Chapter Two Teaser : Before the Decent

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I reached the kingdoms limits and stopped running to catch my breath. I had been running for about two hours straight.

I may have that power source in me but, it obviously hadn't taken full affect, or it had its limitations.

My parents never truly got to test the experiment out to its full extent due to the power being too unstable and there assassination. 

I really missed them it had been a year since then.......   


This is the teaser for chapter two of Alice, I will be posting the full chapter when the first chapter and this preview get 5 votes, and at least 10 reads.

Please comment as well. Your votes, comments and sharing of my story are welcomed and much appreciated. 


Alice 3000: The Tainted Futuristic WonderlandМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя