Part 20

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All gathers together having dinner at dinning table.
Rags says after dinner we will play antachari and dumbsharoes together by dividing into two teams.

Dp:-ok beta i will arrange near phool side ok.

Rags:-thanks uncle.

Swara:-but antashari and dumbsharoes both at a time how can it possible.

Dev:-dont worry after dinner she will explain u .

Swara:-ok .

After dinner near phool all beds are arranged oppsite to each other and some fliating candles in swiming phool and light lanters hanging to tress.

Laksh:-wow uncle its so beautifull.

Rags:-imitates laksh wow uncle its so beautiful and goes from there.
Dp and laksh laughs at rags behaviour.
All elders and kids are divided into two groups.

Laksh arjun swara and durga are in one group.
Rags dev sanskar and sheena are in another group.

Shailaja:-becarefull with dev and rags they both guess each other so easily so give them difficult names ok.

Dev:-thats not fair mom u r saying like we are cheating.its just we can understand each other silent language thats it.
Game continue now its rags team turn to give name to durga.

Rags and sanskar discuss something and say to dev hum aapke hai kaun and call durga to come.sanskar tries to ho forward to give but rags stops him and says i need to discuss next movie name to u both so bhai u give name to durga jii.
Dev says ok and leans forward yo durga they are so close and when dev says hum aapke hai kaun durga suddenly say jii wat.

Dev:- lost into eyes of durga and says jii i am asking u hum aapke hai kaun aa i mean saying to u movie name.
Rags smiles and says my bhai is on track now.
Durga couldnt able to show properly by remember her and dev so close moments.
They fail to guess name.

Rags:-haii we won snd they all hug each other.

Swara:-what dii and i wont accept u gave a every difficult name yar u can give simple one also naa.

Sanskar:-so that u can win right.

Swara:-haa ofcourse see how simple ones we gave u .

Sanskar:-oh ohh if u thought they are simple ones means it wont become simple one actually u people gave all difficult ones.

Rags and all watches their fight.
Rags shouts stop it yar just shout it.

Rags:-ok then i will challenge u if u complete it then i will accept u as a winners.

Dev:-what type of challenge is that i wont accept .

Rags:-bhai plzz let me challenge them.

Dev:-but ragoo.

Rags:-in ears of dev i will xplain u later plzz let me challenge naa.

Dev says ok .

Before sanskar could speak rags says i will help u in future pinky promise and eyes towards swara.
Sanskar also accepts it.

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