What Happens After?

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Competition Story

My life is gone, I don’t get a chance to walk around like normal people these days, I have been sent to bed and bed will be the place I spend the rest of my limited days. Sometimes I am allowed to get out of bed to have a shower but that is only after days of begging and even then everybody is keeping a close eye on me and I don’t get to wash myself, it is quite embarrassing really.

I wish I could live long enough to see my little sister grow up and get married, long enough to meet my real dad and long enough to outlive my mother but life isn’t fair like that. I don’t like the idea of never having a boyfriend; I have never even kissed a boy which would usually be quite pathetic for someone of my age, but being in the hospital all day every day didn’t allow much time for socialising.

I am not scared of what will happen after I die, I am not afraid but I am curious. Will there be angels? Will I meet God? Will I go to heaven or hell? Not only my afterlife but will my family be okay? Will they be able to cope without me?

I have always been worried for my sister, she has missed out on so much of her life because mum spends most of her time looking after me and she spends majority of the money she earns on treatment for me. I stopped treatment 2 weeks ago when it was announced they couldn’t do anything for me, I didn’t want mum spending money on pointless medication, so I stopped. Since then I have been weaker and in more pain but I am sure it will all be worth it when I am dead and I won’t be in pain anymore, I will be in peace.

Thinking about this with my eyes close, I know I will never open them again, life is ending and ending fast. I think about everything, possibilities, regrets, and all about my short life, remembering every detail that has ever happened through my life as I lie here with my family surrounding me, crying. I am grateful that I have lived this long, I wish I could live longer but this is where I have to say goodbye to everyone, everything. Farewell and take care, I hope one day there will be a cure for this never ending diseases. 


This is a story I wrote for a competition, I thought ," why not enter it in another comp while I am at it," so here we are. It is only about 400 words...

I wonder if I win... I doubt it :D

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