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Prologue (Revised)

"Hey are you a Derek Fresd " she asked as Derek answered the door to see  a black cloaked figure, who's face was  concealed by a hood, reading off some ancient looking paper.

"Yeh I am what do you want?" Derek asked in a gentle but equally dangerous voice. The figure looks up to reveal glowing red eyes piercing from her hood. "Your soul" came a deep growl from the figure as she pushed him into the house , slowly revealing the scythe as it materialised into her hand. "What kind of sick joke is this?" Derek exclaimed throwing a vase that was on a table beside him.

She put her hand up and it stopped in mid air and it floated back to the table. He looked shocked and dropped to his knees "I thought the letter I had gotten was a sick prank 'but' it felt like heaven as I raped that bitch" Derek bragged smirking as he watched the figure. The way he had said but made her sick to the bone "And guess what your gonna go into the one of deepest circle of hell were you shall be Tortured for eternity by your greatest fears." she said before raising the scythe above her head and decapitating his head from his body and allowing it to hit  the ground with a dull yet satisfying 'thump' before his body followed suit.

Unfortunately his wife decided at that exacted moment to walk in from the kitchen. She screamed running back into the kitchen. The girl clicked her fingers making the body and blood disappear. Due to the lack of evidence there would be nothing to indicate the wife had any involvement in the death of her husband or any thing to point to anyone else.

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