Introducing the Pig and the Squirrel

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Eldridge takes his bags and exits the plane, looking up the runway to see a festival of people waiting next to a limousine. There were women in festive dresses, women in business wear, women in general, but what really caught Eldride's eye.... was a pig.

This was not ordinary pig, no... it was a male, human pig with handsome features and a fat ass. The only reason Eldridge is calling him a pig is because of how fat he was compared to the short, petite women around him. It almost made the Mormon faint.

However, Eldridge realized what he was doing and turned it off, his hetero side (of course) winning this battle. 

His guide gets out after he does, holding his bags as he looked at the sun of his lovely country.

They walk the red path as the Korean girls bow at his arrival, the leader of this country coming out in some sea shell dragged by some peasants.  "Welcome!" The leader says, waving his magical wand around. "You are the new spokesperson for your religion, correct?"

A couple of bribed press take pictures of the event, their flashing cameras almost blinding the daddy's boy. "Well yes, Mr. Prime Minister. I heard my Mormon embassy is in the Yanggakdo hotel?"

"Please," the leader says, "Call me 'un'," He shakes the young man's hand, smiling broadly. The press takes a couple of more pictures before they eventually leave. Then, the crowd dispersed, leaving the fake lighting, wind, and cherry blossoms being left to be turned off or cleaned up by peasant workers. Un took a nail flyer in his pocket and plays with it.

A maid comes out from behind. "If you will follow me and General Piggy to your establishment?" The fat general comes up behind him with his bags, captivating the young man in his presence. He tried not to look back as he walked with the maid and the general to his hotel.


As he arrived in his room, plopping on the bed, he sighed deeply. The dust in the room filled his nose, making him sneeze cutely. The general who was in the room blushed at this, but shook his head as he adjusted his hat. "May I do anything else for you?" his thick accent made his words hard to understand, but the Mormon knew what he said and replied in his own chopped up Korean.

"Well, do you know where my other companions are staying?" Eldridge said this while getting up from the bed. "I'd really like to know."

"Friends? What friends?" The general looked at him in confusion, "You are the only one that comes here."


General Piggy sighs and tips his hat, walking out the room. Just before he could take a few steps out from the door frame, Eldridge grabs his arm.

"You're saying I'm alone in a foreign country with no Mormon embassy, no Mormon leader, and no mission companion?!" Eldridge was sweating buckets. "Welcome to the Korean Republic, I am Pele, your teller of truth."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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