Settling into North Korea

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Eldridge has his backpack on his lap, looking out the window in a first class seat to Korea. He looks over at the empty seat beside him, where the black coat man roughly put his luggage on.

"Um, excuse me, sir?" Eldridge pokes his head up from his seat to stare at the man who is reading a Korean newspaper. "I know we were in the air for a while now, but do you know when we will pick up my mission companion?"

"Excuse me?" The man turned around, looking confussled.

"My mission companion. We were supposed to pick him up in Germany?"

"No, no" The man shakes his head. "Was only supposed to pick up one, not two." "Oh... okay." Eldridge sits back down in his seat, sighing as he twiddles his thumbs.

He sits back up again. "Are you sure we aren't going to Germany, I mean, I know this isn't a normal thing to do, but the mission president said that they needed me to go with someone who have converted to the Mormon fate like me, so that we can share personal experiences and get to become pretty close from having a non-Mormon upbr-"

The man threw his newspaper on the ground. "Ugh! You tourists always ramble about this! What is Mormon? It sound stupid!"

"GASP!" Eldridge puts a hand to his chest. "Mormonism is not stupid, it is a great religion! I even have a song about it! You all know knew the b-"

"Religion?" The man cut him off again.

"Yes! Religion. It is a religion about how salt lake city in Utah, America, is the holy land and how God favorite prophet was all American!" Eldridge pulls out his book. "See?"

The man picked up his newspaper and ignored him again, mumbling in Korean again.

"Oh... okay, no, that's fine..." Eldridge slinks in his seat, sighing.

He had an eager attraction to stare at the window as they neared their destination. However, he gave himself in his reflection a weird look as there was only trees and hills to be seen.

"Hey, I thought we were going to the capital of Korea, not here." Eldrige turned his head towards the Korean man.

"We are in the capital of the Korean Republic, do not worry." He says this with his face still inside of his newspaper, yawning. Daddy's boy did not buy it. "But aren't we heading to Seoul?"

The man slapped his face, groaning at the pure dumbness this boy exhibited. "We are heading to Pyongyang, not Seoul!" He stuffs his newspaper into his oversize pockets, "우라질! (Fucking Hell!)"

Eldridge's face becomes white. "So... there isn't any hot- I mean, good look- I mean any K-Pop boy bands here, are there?" The man chuckles, "Unless you like Tree Peony Peak"

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