Chapter 3

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 I literally just wrote this last night. Anyway, enjoy!!


Word Count: 893

    (Y/N)'s eyes flew open, the memories of her dream—which was more like a nightmare—still running through her head. She sat up and ran and hand through her tangled hair. She looked over at her clock and saw that it was around 4 in the morning; school started in just a few hours. She knew it would be impossible for her to go back to sleep, as she was now fully awake and alert.

She lay back down on the bed, her heart racing, but soon found it useless. So, she got up and turned on the lamp on her nightstand. She got out of her bed, and walked over to her desk, grabbing her journal from next to her.

(Y/N) sat down and pulled at pencil from a cup near her desk light. She turned that on, as well, and opened her journal to the next clean page. She was never consistent with her journal, as she often found it hard to put pen to paper, but decided that she might as document her nightmare, in case it might be helpful in the future.

Her handwriting filled almost two pages, front and back; she had described the nightmare in full detail, trying her best not to leave anything out.

A while later she sighed, putting her pencil down. She shook her hand vigorously in the air, hoping to release any cramps that had shown up during her writing period. She glanced at her clock, and saw that that it was only a few minutes past 5; a groan escaped her lips. She was bored, wide awake, and still had a few hours until school started. She figured that the best thing to do would be to—

Before she could finish her thought, she heard the phone ringing in the downstairs hallway. Curious as to who could be calling so early in the morning, (Y/N) turned off her desk light, and headed downstairs. She cautiously crept towards the phone; her eyes adjusted to the dim light coming from the front door, as she attempted to read the caller ID. But she couldn't read it, and her parents would surely notice if she turned on the hallway light.

She picked up the phone, her handing shaking very faintly, as her heart rate picked up speed once more.

"H-hello? Is this the (L/N) ruh-residence?"

(Y/N) felt her heart skip a beat.

Bill Denbrough was calling her at 5 in the morning.

"Hey, Bill. Do you need something?"

"Yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to—"

His voice was abruptly cut off, as that of (Y/N)'s former best friend, Pauline, started to speak. The she-devil started talking about the rumor she spread of her dating Bill. She went on for what felt like forever, as (Y/N) stood there, shocked into silence.

Suddenly, Pauline was cut off in the same way Bill was, but instead of the next voice speaking this time, a few moments of static followed. Then, she heard breathing; an eerie, somewhat raspy breathing. Then, a voice spoke. (A/N: why did I make this like Joyce's phone calls from Will in Stranger Things? I'm so weird!! 😅)

"Hello, (Y/N)." The voice that spoke was one that scared the shit out of the poor girl, so much that she almost dropped the phone.

"Who are you?" She asked incredulously, her voice wavering.

A terrifying laugh came from the other end of the phone, before the voice spoke again. "My name's Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Now then, (Y/N), if you would be so kind, could you please open the door?"

"No." She stated adamantly, for once in her life, hoping that this 'Pennywise' was just some jackass prank-calling her.

"Are you sure?" Pennywise's voice had an edge of some sort to it, as if he was testing her.

"Yes. Now please leave me alone." She wanted so badly to hang up, yet the curious, adventurous part of was telling her to stay and find out what the hell was happening.

"Well then, Miss (Y/N), I guess if you won't invite me in, I'll have to just come in myself." Pennywise laughed once more, then hung up.

(Y/N) stood there, trembling with fear, as only a few seconds after Pennywise had hung up, her front door burst open. A clown wearing a baggy white suit—almost like something from a circus—stood in the doorframe; in one hand was a single red balloon. He had a tall, bare forehead, and orange hair around the back and sides of his head; his lips were rouged, and he had a (painted?) red nose, with red (again? jeez) lines coming above each eye and stopping at where his eyebrows should have been.

He smiled, and once more his voice scared (Y/N) out of her stupor.

"You should've let me in. But since you didn't, you'll now see that it's time to float. Yes, (Y/N)." His laughter rang in the girl's ears again, and throughout the house.

"Time to float." Pennywise repeated.

Out of nowhere, the clown jumped at (Y/N) his face contorting into something that she hadn't even thought was possible. A scream escaped her mouth, as she felt Pennywise's gloved hands wrapping around her neck, choking her.

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