Unmasked Scars

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For a month now, Wade and you met up every once in a while. And you guys were great friends. "Al is right." You thought. "I think he does have a crush on me.". You heard a knocking at your door one night. As you guessed, it was Deadpool. He was in his suit as always. "Are you always going to wear that suit, Wade?" You asked, chuckling. "Maybe." He answered. You invited him in. As he sat on the couch, you got a movie out of a plastic bag. It was the movie "IT". But it wasn't the new one. It was the older one. "I got us a scary movie tonight!" You said. Deadpool smiled through his mask. You popped the DVD in your PS4, and the ads started playing. You put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. You sat on the couch next to Wade, watching some of the ads. "Hey, Wade? I always wondered... What do you look like underneath the mask?" You asked. Wade looked down. "I don't think you want to see." Wade chuckled. "Honestly, i do." You said. Wade sighed and he became nervous. "Alright..." He said. He slowly took off his mask. His face was a mixture of reds. It was burnt. "Oh, Wade..." You started. "I know. I look like a ball-sack." He said. You giggled. "Well, i'm not going to lie, yes, but it's not always about the looks. It's about the personality." You said. You slowly leaned to his face, and kissed him. His eyes widened, but he then closed his eyes. You guys suddenly didn't even care about the movie or the popcorn or anything else. Just each other. It than became a whole make out session. You slowly moved away for a gasp of air. "I want you... so badly..." Wade said. "I'll meet you in my bedroom... I'll tell you when i'm ready..." You whispered. You ran to your bedroom, and started to remove your clothes except for your bra and underwear. You were finally doing this.

(Hey, everyone. Sorry i haven't been updating lately. I've just been REALLY busy with school and such. Hopefully you all aren't too disappointed. I'll try to add at least one new chapter to each book on here just for you guys. (: See ya, my dinosaurs!!!)

Dangerous Man / Deadpool X Reader (Contains Lemons) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now