Chapter IV

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Dedication: ANAAURORA14

Song: This Is Our Time- Magic (It does not go with the chapter at all. Let me tell you why I chose this song. BECAUSE GERMANY FREAKING MADE IT TO THE FINAL!!! AND IT MADE ME HAPPY!! yeah and I can't stop listening to this song... I also really hope Germany can win against Argentina)




In the next two days, Harry had managed to watch Louis as much as he could. Everywhere the boy went Harry would go, but if course he would do it without him knowing. Now so far he had managed to realize that when Louis was not working for Harry he was off running errands helping the people in the kitchen. He did not find this strange. Yet, he never saw Louis go somewhere else that might have seemed suspicious. He never met up with any pair of people, but he still managed to think that he was still behind the events at the office. He was sure that someway some how his helper was working against his country. He would get down to the bottom of it and prove to his father that he should not trust this boy.

Harry, ignoring everyone, made his journey to meet his friend at their usual time in the usual living room space they had toward the back of their home. He just needed a break from the events and the current day, so why not spend it with one of his closest friends. So after a bit he managed to arrive at the loving space where he quickly spotted the figure sitting on one of the couches.

"Well you're finally here. I didn't think you would actually show." Zany commented and laughed quietly. This was Harry's great friend. Zany might have not had the same privileges, but they grew up together since grade school and haven't grown apart.

"Now why would I do that?" Harry smiled softly and giving him a small hug. "We always meet at this time, plus it's the only time I get a break from everything I am demand to do."

Just like that the two friends began their daily activities where their childish personality were shown once more. Yet something seemed different from today. As if a serious talk needed to be said between them, and yes something of that sort would come a bit later after their activities.

It was around four in the afternoon when they finally settled down and took a seat out in the backyard. The tone was no longer playful, but more of a serious one. Many things were needed to be said in this sitting. Staring off into the trees that surrounded their home Zayn spoke out breaking the silence.

"You know I would do anything for you right?" He asked quietly even though he knew that the boy beside him knew the answer. "Well I....I am thinking that maybe you should take a break from your position and actually do something for once. You look like you are about to die from everything you have to do, and you are barely the son of the king. I may be stepping out of the line. I'm just trying to tell you that you have to tone it down a bit. Maybe take a road trip, or just enjoy the people around you. From all I see there is so much joy in this home. Even the workers seem to have fun. Literally I was in the kitchen and two boys were throwing flour at each other, and then I guess the head woman walked in and instead of yelling she joined in. You're mother even walked by and she even smiled. So what I'm trying to say is live to the happiness this house seems to represent, and don't over work yourself."

All the Prince could manage to do was stare at his friend as if he had lost his mind. He just couldn't give up on his work, and certainly not right now. Yes he knew he was young, and he still had so many years ahead of him, but he needed to be his father's right hand at the moment. Yes they had claimed some land, but certainly most countries had their own small government that later had to address their issues with the highest form of power, but what if one of them decided to attack on another. What if one of the other kingdoms wanted to fully attack them? He could not leave at such crucial moments. No. Even if he overworked himself, he would do everything to ensure the safety of his and the citizens home.

"You know I can't do that right? Zany there's things that need to be done, and I am the only one who can do that right now." He just couldn't take up on his friend's offer. He had no time to enjoy the little things in life. The Prince wished he could. He wanted a break from it all, but he just couldn't. Maybe one day he could somewhere in the years to come.

"Think about it. A little break could help, and maybe you won't feel tired. You literally look five year older than you actually are. I will go to your mother, so she will demand that you stop doing your 'job'."

"You wouldn't dare?" Harry looked over at him with wide eyes. "You are not that way Zayn."

"Just you wait. Anyway, I have to go. I'm running late, and I have to go help my mother out with a few things. Before you know it, you will be forced out of you're current tasks."

With a final hug and a goodbye, Harry saw the boy leave his home. Now though he needed to get a few things for a trip finalized He would be traveling to a small location in the Untied Countries.

Along with someone else of his choice, they would visit small towns around the area that were in need of help. Even though the media only depicted the prospering areas around the world, everyone knew that there were still children and many more who were in lack of basic needs. So of course he would be traveling helping this areas with food, water, education, and their economy. This was all Harry's mother's idea of course, but he was happy to help.

So as Harry began walking towards where his mother would always be during this time if day, he passed by one if the many glass does that led out to the back. He noticed a rather adorable scene that would make anyone awe.

Outside, he was able two see two figures playing outside in the snow that had collected. When he stepped closer, he noticed it was Louis and the son of one of the women who worked here. It seemed that they were both enjoying their time outside. The older one seemed to be making sure that the young boy was safe. Slowly, Harry stepped closer to the glass door and a smile appearing on his face. He seemed to realize that one day he would love to have his own children, and be out there playing with them. Slowly he walked out, with no coat or anything to keep him from the cold.

Even if Louis was suspected of helping the men from last night, it did not mean he couldn't enjoy some time with him and the little boy. Louis and the small child, he learned was Dylan, happily accepted Harry.

It was truly a sight to see. They seemed like the happiest people in the world together, and Harry's mother could see it. She could see a smile on her son's face that she hadn't seen in a few years. No it wasn't that he was never happy, but it was the fact that they were never real. Of course when she saw the scene play out in front of her, that she was able to see through a window on the second floor, it made her the happiest she had ever been. To her they looked like a happy family playing with their first child. 'Maybe bringing that young man would help Harry during this time.' She thought.


It's short and also a filler chapter. It's slow UPDATING since I need time to plan the writing. But I'm working in the next chapter as of right now!!



Please.... It would make me happy!!! -Dai

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