Chapter I

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Well here is the first chapter and any l a dress on here is completely made up. I do not own any characters but those with strangely odd names. And well this is an AU so...wherever there is a town that probably does not exist I made it up, due to the fact that the countries fell and built back up.

Song: Pompeii

Dedication: 5sosforever3


Louis Tomlinson,

You have failed to. complete the basic studies within the twelve years you were given. These were requirements that have been established long ago. There is a second chance to finish your final school year, but you must convince the leader of your country to give you that possibility. Further more there will be a second letter from the king giving you information on exactly what to do.

Yada Yada Yada. I don't care, and I probably really never will give a second thought on finishing school. Without another thought, the page along with the envelope, dated four months ago, lay crumpled up in the trash bin with no second thought. I don't understand why we need to finish school. Yeah I get that a long time ago it was part of the reason we led to war, but I don't feel like doing these requirements.

I continued looking through the stack that my dear mother had left me even when she knew I wouldn't open them. Most were just advertisements, but one stood out with its neat cursive handwriting on the front.

Louis William Tomlinson

507 Amarillo Street, London, 75269

January 1, 2413

Your are two present yourself at the place on February 20, 2413. There we will discuss exactly what you will do for me and/or my family for a year, before returning to your education. It's is an obligation that you must show, and if you fail to present yourself there by four in the afternoon someone will stop by your home and force you here. I suggest you are here my your own will or things will not be on the terms you want to be. Once again please show on February 20, 2014 at four in the afternoon.


That is it? Not even his name, just the word king. Isn't that just lovely. Anyway the twentieth of February I must be at his home, but today is that day. I look over at the calendar and my guesses were correct. At the same time I caught sight of the time which read 3:45. Eyes wide, I ran out of the house not wanting to be forced to go. I didn't even have a clue if I would make it in fifteen minutes, yet I kept going.

Sweat could be seen on my forehead and through my clothes. It could have been the middle of winter, but it was still a long run that would make anyone have to take long deep breaths at the end. The blowing wind helped me cool down faster before I walked in showing them the later at the front gates. with access being granted to me I walked inside, yet I was led by an old man into complicated halls and straight into an office.

"Please take a seat, he will be here shortly." The man finally spoke and walked out closing the door. With that, I was left alone to nervously fiddle with my fingertips as I say in a rather large chair.

It seemed like an eternity had gone by the only sounds coming from a ticking clock on the wall behind me. Each second that went my made me even more nervous than it really should. I began to speculate all the things he could make me do , and none seemed pleasing at all. Thoughts were broken the the opening of a door, and I quickly stood up as a sign of courtesy.

"Have a seat mister Tomlinson." The voice said in a firm tone, which I was quick to order. As I sat down the figure sat behind the desk, and I instantly recognised him as the man that everyone obeyed. "Why are you here exactly?" He asked even though he knew why.

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