Classes and Host club? part 2

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I left the room and went out into the garden. "What is it Timothy?" i asked the Vice President of my parents companies. "Miss Hasayoshi, dear pardons for disturbing your class time but this is extrememly important." said Timothy. 

"Conferance call the other vice presidents immeadiately." i said in a stern voice. 

"yes mam." said Timothy. This is going to be a long day. 

                                                                       Hikaoru's Prov.

"Wow i didn't know he was that rich." said Kaoru. " he certainly didn't act like it." I said. I was hit upside the head by haruhi. "Ow" i yelped. "Be nice Hikaoru, he's new.Cut him some slack." said Haruhi.

"Ok Haruhi." i said sitting down as the teacher walked in. We all had to sit through boring lessons while Akira is no where to be seen. 

"Where's Akira-chan?" whispered kaoru. " I don't know he should be here by now." i whispered back. 

                                                                        Akira's Prov.

"No." I said to Timothy. "But miss, if we don't give them what they want we will lose the buildings" said Timothy. 

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Timothy what have i told you from time and time again?" i asked expecting him to know. 

"Always trust you miss." said TImothy in defeat. "Exactly, keep going with the building of the series of hotels on our lands." i said settling one situation. 

"yes miss i shall put your next vice president on the line." said Timothy. " Hurry." i growled. Man trying to keep the business alive is harder than it looks. 

After a few hours i have been solving problem after problem. I have finally gotten everthing situated. I walked inside slowly. This would be the last hour, of the day. I had skipped lunch. I walked on into the class room. "Ah so good of you to join us Mi-- i mean Mr. hasayoshi. "said the teacher almost givingaway my gender. 

"Sorry i had a few problems with a few of the companies that my parents allowed me to control." i said slightly glaring at the teacher. 

"Ok go and sit behind Haruhi." said the teacher and went back to teaching. I walked to the back, and Haruhi turned around. "hey Akira do you want to hang out with Hikaoru, Kaoru and i after school at the Host Club?" asked Haruhi.

"I don't know. Wait what is a host club?"i asked. Just then the bell rings, signaling that class was over. I was about to grab my stuff but Haruhi beat me to it and Hikaoru and Kauro grabbed both of my arms and dragged me to the "Host Club" as they called it. No one would tell me exactly what the club was.

They stopped in front of a door that had a sign saying Music Room #3.

Haruhi pushed open the door and there was a bright light and rose petals. I stared at the four guys already in there. "Oh its just you three and another guy." said Tamaki Suoh.

Hmm Tamaki Suoh son of Headmaster Suoh. President of this "Host Club".

" Hikaoru, Kaoru, Haurhi get dressed." said Tamaki completely ignoring me. "I didn't know you would be so openly gay." said Tamaki looking at me, and holding my chin. I tried to bite his hand away from me. "Don't ever touch me again." i growled.

"So what type are you into?" asked Tamaki. "Type?" i asked raising one eye brow. "Yeah we have your cool type." Tamaki said standing next to a tall guy with black hair, onxy eyes and wire glasses.

"You have your boy Litoya type" as he holds up a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and holding a stuff animal. "You have the strong and silent type." Tamaki said tapping a guy with black hair and has a straight expression, standing next to the boy litoya guy.' Third years.' i thought. " You have the devilish type, Hikauro and Kauro.AHHH" screamed Tamaki, as the twins came up behind him and scared him.

I was trying really hard to hold back a laugh. WHile everyone else (apart of Kyoya) were on the floor laughing.

Tamaki changed from anger to happyness in a split second. " We also have the Natural Type." Tamaki said pointing to Haruhi.

Then in a split second Tamaki was near my face and holding my chin. "Or are you loking for the princely type which is me." said Tamaki. "Hmm this is hard" i said in a joking matter. "How about everyone who is not Tamaki." i said.

Tamaki ran over to a corner and started growning mushrooms. "Tamaki Suoh stop growning mushrooms!." i yelled.

Everyone was laughing very hard again. Tamaki came out of the corner and was still being depressed. "Tamaki I was just kidding. I don't have a type and no i am not gay." i said walking out the door.

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