Classes and Host Club?

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I walked towards the school. Earning glares from guys, and weird looks from girls. I walked to the Hadmaster's office. I opened the door,  and there sitting there was Headmaster Suoh.

I came in and sat down in the chair across from him. "hello Mr. Suoh." i said sitting calmly and politely. "Ah Miss Hasayoshi. Its a pleasure to see you. Here is your class schedule, your class, and your locker combination and locker number." said Mr. Suoh handing me the items.

"Thank you Mr. Suoh." i said getting up and walking out of the office.

I looked down at the schedule, and trying to find out which way to go to get to my class room.

I looked down one hall way and down another. I still couldn't find it.

" Are you lost?" asked a voice behind me. I turned around, and came face to face with twins with orange hair. "yes i am looking for 1A." i said looking up from my schedule back up to the twins. "You're in our class, right this way." said the twins in unison.

The one of my right held out his arm to me, which i took it. The twin on my left put one of his arms around my shoulders.

We started walking down the hallway together. people gave them strange looks.

I learned some things about them and they learned some things about me.

 Class was about to start and in come a girl wearing a boy's uniform. "Hikaru, Kaoru there you guys are. I have been looking all over for you guys. Where have you been?" asked the girl.

"Sorry  Haruhi we were showing our new friend around the school he had gotten lost." said Hikaoru. Putting his arm around my shoulder. 

Haruhi held out her hand. "Hello I'm Haruhi Fujioka." "Hi I'm Akira Hasayoshi." i replied back to the girl. I leaned in and whispered, "I know your secret Haruhi." i said then pulling back. Her eyes widen, but then tred to compose herself. 

" Its ok your secret is safe with me." i said sitting down at my desk. 

"Akira are a commoner like Haruhi?" asked Kaoru. "No i am not. I am even more rich then anyone in this school." as i said that, my cell phone went off. I clicked a button on my ear piece and a digitle screen came up. "Wow where did you get that?"asked Hikaoru. "its one of my own designs, my parents owned most of the music companies in America, a few in japan. We own a few schools, Nursing Homes, All of the Hosptials and Most of the Amusement parks in both America and Japan." i said looking through my email.

I opened it up and saw that i needed to make a phone call."But wait Kyoya Sempi's family owns all of the hospitals." said Kaoru. 'yes and who do you think they have to answer to?" i askedtakin gmy eyes off the screen. "If you excuse me i have an important call to make." i said getting up and walking out.

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