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Jesus, what time is it?
I open my eyes to the image in front of me.
The blue boy. Lance.
Right, I'm at his house.
Wait, is that hi-
I feel his arm around my waist.
I jump back and fall off the bed.
"Jesus fuck," I whisper-shout. Ow, my head hurts like hell.

I lay there in silence until I hear a "Keith?"

"Yeah?" I respond. I don't move a muscle.

"Where'd you go?" Lance says groggily from the bed. I slide under Lance's bed.

"I don't know," I say. I feel him get up off the bed.  He walks to his dresser and pulls on a baby blue sweatshirt. He opens the door and walks out.


"BOO!" I'm yanked out from under the bed and back out onto the exposed floor. I see Lance sitting there smiling at me while laughing.

"How'd you find me?" I say while laughing along.

"That was easy as hell plus yo no quiero perder un muchacho hermoso," he says. "Oh right, um, yeah it was easy!"

I've got to learn Spanish. "So, breakfast?" He says.

"Sure," I say. He helps me up and leads me into the kitchen where his mother is making something.

"Buenos días, good morning!" She says, not looking up from her cooking.

"Buenos días 'ama," Lance says, sitting on a chair at the table. I follow him and sit next to him in a chair. Lance's sister is sitting there on her phone. She looks up, her yellow hair brushing against her cheek and she makes eye contact with me and smiles. I smile back and she blushes.
Lance's mom, Mrs. McClain, serves us pancakes, eggs, and sausage. It's been so long since I've had a home cooked meal.
"Thanks Mrs. McClain," I say.

She smiles and says, "you're welcome, Lance este hombre si esta bonito."

"Mamá!" Lance says, flustered. Lance's sister lets out a giggle. Her name is Lucy. She's 16 and goes to our school. She keeps making lovey dovey eyes at me. It's weird, but I ignore it.
I excuse myself and go to the restroom. I actually look at myself in the mirror. I don't look too bad today. I wash my hands and exit the door, but before I make my third step Lucy is right there.
She shushes me and holds a finger to my lips.
She pushes me into the bathroom and starts kissing me. Before she can get the wrong idea I stop her.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper-shout at her. She rolls her eyes.

"You wanted me, I could see it in your eyes, my brother wants you all to himself, but I want a turn. She tries kissing me again, but I push her away. She groans.

"Lucy, chill the fuck out, I'm not going to date you, you're Lance's sister and I'm gay as hell," I tell her.  She makes an oh sound.

"Hijo de puta," she slaps her forehead. "I should've known that, I'm an idiot, bye," she walks out without another word.

I walk back into the kitchen to see Lance laid out on the floor. He spots me and sits up. "Hey, it's Saturday and I like to go play tennis around this time, wanna come with?" He says, standing up.

"Sure," I say, grinning. He leads me to his room and goes through his drawers.  He tosses me some shorts and he pulls out some blue shorts. He changes right then and there. I don't look, but I blush like crazy. I put on my shorts while he raids through his closet. He throws out two pairs of white Nike tennis shoes.
He grabs to rackets and says, "Ready?"

"Ready." I say.

~Timeskip brought to you by Falsettos if you get my drift~

After 4 sets of tennis Lance wins 1-3.  I only lost because olive boy was there. He kept eyeing me like something to eat.  He's probably going to beat me up at school Monday. 
"Lance, I hate to put a stop to this, but I have to get home," I say.

"Oh, okay," he says, slightly sad, while starting his blue car.  We drive down to my house in silence.
I step out of the car and so does he.
He walks me to my front door. He looks me straight in the eye and says, " Thank you for doing this with me, nobody ever does, all they care about is how fast they can get inside my pants, friend or foe. Just thanks for being you," he hugs me and walks back into his car.

I smile and wave, while he winks and drives off.


Group chat 3:30 p.m


Hunky Monkey: WHAT!??!? :O

Space Dad: when and where and did he touch my precious son!?

Pidgeon: KEITH!??!? KEITH KOGANE?!

Queef: what the fuck do you want?


Queef: yes you did. Now calm your shit.  I've gotta go


I shut off my phone and throw it onto my bed. This is way too much to handle for a gay boy with no soulmate.
I open my laptop and click through my history. And here we go again.

~Time skip~
(C-C-C-C'mon, C-C-C-C'mon, Go, Go)
I shut my laptop and walked to the bathroom. I washed my hands and took a shower. I walk back into my room and throw my laptop on the ground. It shatters. Oh well. I have another one.

I lay in bed and turn my phone back on. I ignore Instagram completely, but I get a phone call.

K- Hey Lance!
L- I need your help
I hear voices in the background.
What calling your boyfriend?
Why would he help a fag like you?
K- where are you?!
L- Park by the tennis court
K- I'll be there in 5
I hang up and dash out the door. As I ride my motorcycle there, I make a quick call.

~Timeskip okay Daddy-o~

Punch number 8 to the face. I take a beating for Lance. He staggered back to my motorbike like I told him to. Just as I'm about to receive my 30th punch when I suddenly hear, "That's enough." It's Shiro. He's finally here, he could've been here 20 punches ago, but I don't protest. I stand up and clumsily walk to my motorbike, but I pass out half way there.

The last thing I see are his blue eyes.

1117 words


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