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Hey guys, I'm starting a new story!!!!!!

This is a brief description of the future story based on an AU I created.

I don't really have a story because I'm focusing on How Far?

Angst is possible because of the idea.

Also a trigger warning will happen almost every chapter because of the two characters that it revovles around and their sexuality.

But this will be a ride and a very original story.

So without further a due, here is.

All the Colors of the Rainbow.








The colors of the rainbow.

At birth, you are assigned a certain color and you can never change your color.

That is until you meet your soulmate. No, your soulmate isn't the same color as you usually. Your soulmate can be any color really. They can even be colors that aren't in the rainbow.

However, meeting your soulmate is embarassing because everywhere your soulmate touches you changes to their color.

This rule also applies whenever you are touched by someone sexually after you meet your soulmate.

Wherever the unwanted person touches turns gray.

Life is normal for Keith Kogane, until a certain someone transfers to his school.


Trigger Warning: homophobia




I hit the alarm clock as hard as I can. I sigh. High School sucks especially if you're a gay, nobody with three friends.

I sit up in bed. My stupid, Red Bed. I hate the color red so much. It's the most common color unlike the others.

I run my hands through my red hair. My hair is a different shade of red unlike my body. My hair is a maroon and it's styled long, but it is concidered a mullet.

I turn to look at my alarm clock that reads 7:00 a.m. I sigh and walk to my bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I take a good, hard look at myself in the mirror and I can only see one thing.

red. Red. RED.

I sigh again and step into my shower letting the hot water run down my face and through my hair.

"First Day of Senior Year, you are not missing your first day", I whispered to myself. I step out of the shower and dry off. Before dressing myself, I look at my reflection.

A Small, Scrawny Senior with anger issues stares back at me. I get dressed in my usual red attire and I recieve a message from my groupchat.

GROUPCHAT 8/16/17 7:15 a.m.

Pidgeon: WHAT IS UP FELLOW PALADINS? ready for senior year?

Space Padre: Please don't do that again and yes I'm ready to leave this place.

All the Colors of the RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now