{Chapter 2}

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{Chapter 2}

Tristan spent his evening swimming while Arthur crawed to him in a scolding way. Tristan chukled. He could almost understand what did Arthur say.

Son of an ugly duckling! You're doing it wrong, Tristan!

Hmmph! I could do better than that.

How long did you say you can hold your breath? 3 seconds?

You know I used to swim across the ocean in World War 2. Just saying.

Hey that maid keep starring at you! Should I craw her off?

Look at that flufffy bird. Yum.

Tristan ignore the crawing eagle and swim deeper. He's doing okay when suddenly the darkness around him started to create a picture. No-- not a picture. A human! He tried to swim up, avoiding the wierd creature.

His heart beating widly. He think he's got enough wierdness for one day.

"Hey there can you hear me?" A girly voice echoed in his head.

He chocked and put both hand on his head. What's going on? He kick his feet hopelessly. He couldn't hold his breath anymore. His lungs are burning. But suddenly a wave of coolness hit him.

The girl hold her hands up. What the heck? Tristan could breathing okay now.

He's eyeing the girl. She's wearing an orange short dress and cream jeans. "Better now?" She asked kindly. Tristan nodded hestitanly. Being able to breathe doesn't mean his heart isn't beating loudly.

"Thanks God you're in the water" She cocked her hips and chukled "Or else it will be more harder. But anyway why are you so skinny? Wait! That's not what I'm here for"

She laughed and slap her forehead. Tristan couldn't believe her. He was swimming peacefully. Then she came and asking him why is he skinny? He's started to swim away, hoping the girl won't notice. And also hoping he's hallucinating.

"Wait! Oh my God I'm sorry!" The girl shrieked. "Listen, we're close. Don't do anything silly. We'll be there in no time. Wait-- we need time. You know, it's just a phrase. But I predict we'll be there at noon tommorow. I'll bring lunch! No need to buy it"

Tristan gaped. He must be dreaming. He's in his bed, dreaming. Yeah, that must be it. "Are you listening?" The girl frowned.


She squaled. "Okay! See you tomorrow!"

Then the girl disseapeared. "Huh?" Tristan mumbled. Suddenly he can't breathe. Damn, the effect wearing off!

He swim to the surface and gasping for breath. Tristan climbed off the swimming pool and trying to calm down his rigid breath. He closed his eyes and trying to forget the creepy girl down there.

Arthur's looking at him with pity in his eyes. He fly and landed beside's him. He poke his hear to Tristan's ear. Craw! He said. Are you okay?

Tristan chukled breathlessly. "Yeah. There was a weird girl down there"

Arthur cocked his head. He seems like thinking for a moment. Craw! He decided. Or maybe you hit your head pretty hard.

"Yeah that must be it" Tristan stood up and reach for his towel from the chair. "Let's go, Arthy"

Arthur skeptically fly and trailed behin Tristan. Craw off the maid that was cleaning the kitchen. "Stop being so rude, Arthur" Tristan scold half-heartedly. He shook his wait hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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