mingyu - korea

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"I can do this. " i whispered to my self.

I'm at the airport. I will be flying to korea now to see my Boyfriend Kim Mingyu.

"Flight 5 svt will be boarding. "

This is it.

After A few hours of traveling I our plane finally landed.

I quickly went out of the airport and got a taxi.

"please take me to pledis building." i said.

While driving to Pledis I was getting nervous. It's the 2nd time I will be with mingyu.

I arrived at pledis shortly and paid the taxi

I texted mingyu that I'm outside.

"y/n!" i heard someone say.

I turned around and saw mingyu.

I ran to him and huggged him.

"Mingyu I miss you so much. "I said still hugging him

"I miss you too babe. " He said.

"Let's go inside everyone is waiting for you. "He said and took my luggage.

"so how long will you stay here?" mingyu asked while walking.

"probably 3 weeks bae" I said.

"aw only 3 weeks? " He said pouting.

"Yes bae I'm sorry but I have tons of work back home. " I said and pecked his lips.

We arrived infront of a door that has 'practice room's on it.

Mingyu opened the door and you can hear noises from inside.


"KIDS STOP FIGHTING. " joshua said.

I entered the room and everyone went silent.

"OMG Y/N!" seungkwan said.

"hello kwan" I said and smiled.

Everyone went closer to me and hugged me.

"hey hey hey my girlfriend couldn't breath. " mingyu said.

They all chuckled.

SEVENTEEN IMAGINES by: SeunglishueWhere stories live. Discover now