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On November 28th, late at the night fire weapen broke out in the Russain embassy in Tokyo.

Nothing can be said with cretainty what happened last night and in the early moning house.

Except that the embassy was under siege for several hours, and at the end that there were two

armored ambassadors the vehivle the left building.

And after the whole drama in embassy several people have been transplated into the hospital

withe light and servere injuries.

Spokeswoman for Tokyo Kyos Hospital said that all people who were transplanted to hospital

were out of danger.

Tokyo police issued a very poor the statement in whiche he states that because of diplomacy situation
it can not publicly reveal parts of in ongoing vestigation. Police spokesman saye that police and
the Japanes government gives and provide the Russian embassy withe all possible help and
cooperation in this difficult situation.

We find out from a trusted source that in hospital it is transported head of staff of Russian embassy

in Tokyo Lidiya Maximova with minor head injuries.

There is a sense that there is no one who has any idea what actually is happened and is still happening. Authorities in Russia have not yet give any statment on eveits in Tokyo. Nobody talks abaout the ambassador's absence who has been otherwise all present in public life in Tokyo for the past two years. And the lack of information on ambassador Nikolay Vitayevom is more alarming.

Maria Hill from Tokyo

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