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Ok so the next step is getting a song that fits your video. In WDM to be able to open a song you have to first have at least one picture or video added to the slideshow. When that is completed you have to click the button add music, there is a button that says add videos and photos right beside it so that is how you open up the pictures/ videos. When you click the button that says add music you need to either click, ‘add music at current point’ (if you want the first couple of pictures without music) that works, but if you want the music playing at the very beginning just click add music. Next your documents are going to pop up so click on music and choose a song, unless you have the music you want put into a folder like I mentioned as a tip from earlier. 

This is just an obvious tip I have, but I figured I should just write it down anyway. When you are choosing a song to put in your video make sure it matches the trailer. As an example let’s say that you have a story about a girl and boy that are in love and they don’t break up or anything depressing but you add a song about how much you can’t stand your Ex-boyfriend/ girlfriend. People are going to be confused and in the end may not read your book. 

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