You Promise?

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"Are you okay?!" One of the crew members asked me with his voice filled with concern

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"Are you okay?!" One of the crew members asked me with his voice filled with concern. All I know is that it was the end of the set and before I knew it, my right leg was in an enormous amount of pain. I didn't know what exactly happened or how I did it, but from the expression shown on everyone's face it wasn't good. Gil came rushing down the hallway with paramedics behind him. He gave them a minimum detailed response before they lifted me onto a stretcher.

As the paramedics were prepping, I could hear a roar from the fans on the other side of the curtains.. which means another song has ended. The girl had rushed over to me with their faces in distraught. "What the hell?!" Dom shouted, "D, your ankle!"

"I know." My eyes squinted and pain as I try to adjust myself on the stretcher. I hardly noticed my ankle changing to a pale purple color. Shit, it was all bad but I couldn't give anyone a straight answer.. hell I didn't know what happened myself.

Allison cautiously hovered her hand over my injured leg and looked at me.

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright?"

I sighed. "Yeah, y'all go get dressed. I'll be cool."
The girls looked at each other reluctantly before placing their hands on my arms for support.

"We'll see you right after the show D. Be strong."
I forced a smile as Mishay kissed my cheek. Even though I was in physical pain, I knew it hurt these girls even more to see me like this. They've always been there for me now the only thing I want them to do is carry on the show, without me.

The PD's placed a oxygen mask on my face and proceeded down the hall with me, towards the exit. The further we got down more drowsy I got.. either they put a sedative in me without knowing or I was just getting ready to pass the hell out. All of the stuff was happening so fast I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that my career could have been unraveling before me. I couldn't have been worried about my dancing more than I was worried about who was going to take my place during the show. I had a job, an assignment and it feels like I failed.

Backstage, the passage way towards the exit grew smaller. Everyone's voices began to drown out and all the pain from my leg was numbing. Was this it? Once they opened the door, I slowly turn my head and then I saw her in the far corner. Her towel wrapped around her neck with beads of sweat trickling down her neck, into the opening of her navy blue cat suit. We made direct eye contact, she placed her hand over her heart but all I could do was force myself not to cry.

I failed you.

Salt Lake City, Utah
9:31 P.M.

Hour and a half into the show and we're still going strong. We finally transitioned over to the second half of the setlist and I transitioned onto the stage, trading places with Whyley. Since the accident, Whyley came in as my understudy. I didn't want to be freeloader so I forced myself to come back during the LA show, but Gil wasn't having it.

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