Chapter 3 - Integration

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Hermione fervently copied the notes down, paying not the slightest bit of attention to the Slytherins around her who were now positively hooting with laughter. Finally, after she'd had enough, she slammed her quill down and swung her head around so quick she was sure she'd cracked her neck in the process.

"Can you please be quiet for once in your pompous lives?!"  She shrieked, cursing the teacher for sitting her so close to them all.

"What's wrong Granger? Hard to study with our noise? Or can't you see your notes from under that dreaded mane you call a haircut?" Pansy jeered, causing the students around her to snigger behind their hands.

"Ha! I'd rather look like me than you, Parkinson! At least I don't have to shove myself in front of boys for them to notice me!" Hermione growled, turning back to her work and catching her professor's sorrowful glance in the process.

"That's the problem! They don't notice you!" Pansy laughed again, but when Hermione didn't react she just rolled her eyes and turned back to her eager friends, who thoroughly enjoyed when anyone poked fun at members of the golden trio.

Hermione just bit down on her tongue to stop herself from calling back, as she'd much rather do well on her exams than get in the last word of a petty argument with Pansy Parkinson. She exhaled a little bit and frowned, this year wasn't going to go well at all if the classes ran the same as they had all week for the rest of the year. Hermione also wondered why on Earth the professors seemed to never do anything about all the noise that the Slytherins made. They just stood there staring whenever the houses got into any sort of argument and smiled sadly at whoever lost before continuing on with their lesson. Hermione simply dreaded the Saturday that was fast approaching, knowing that moving into the same common room as the Slytherins would be something close to a disaster.


Draco scuffed his shoes along the floor carelessly as he levitated his belongings down the hallway with his cronies. This was perhaps the worst idea Hogwarts had ever come up with, and that meant it topped the tri-wizard tournament which was basically a three round death match that had ended in the dark lord's return. He laughed bitterly at the idea of having to miss out on going to Hogsmeade so that the most superior house in the school could move in with one of the most over-rated of them all. Draco's thoughts drifted to the reaction of the rest of his house when he and his fellow seventh years had delivered the bad news five days prior to now. At least he knew they would not fall prey to such foolish tricks and actually become friends with the dreaded 'lion house' after their long chat that night. Pansy walked in front of Draco, her clammy hands clasped right around his own, pulling him down the hallway they'd been told to follow to find their new room. As Draco's eyes scanned the corridor, confronting memories of the war shot into focus at the front of his mind, causing him to wince slightly and keep his head down, he knew that walking down this hallway everyday may prove difficult, and decided to get to work on finding a new means of reaching his common room as soon as possible.


Hermione frowned at the letter in Dean Thomas' hand and then threw herself into the armchair beside Ron's, sighing. She was sure that she'd still be sleeping with the same people she did in her usual Gryffindor room before now, but as luck would have it, McGonagall claimed in her note that 'the sleeping arrangements had been slightly altered' and 'the doors of their new rooms had a list of the occupants on them.' Hermione decided it was better to just get it over and done with, and slowly rose from the armchair to see who she'd been put with.
It was just her luck, she thought; as she traipsed up the spiral staircase made of stone and ran her fingers along the slightly mossy wall; that she'd probably been placed in a room with Pansy Pa-

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