
"why the hell did I let you put me through this again you arrogant asshole" I said angrily as I gripped onto Emilio's hand.

I had been in labor for about 14 hours and I was not having a good time.

"It'll be worth it in the end princesa, it always is" he said calmly and tucked a strand of hair that fell from my bun, behind my ear.

"I just wanna see my baby. Where's seb?" I asked. It was only me and Emilio in the room because everyone else had either went to get food and was only allowed in the waiting room.

"He's with my mom. Want me to go grab him?" Emilio asked and gestured to the door. I rolled my eyes at him and he made a face.

"Common sense babe. I said I wanted to see him" I said annoyed.

He rolled his eyes while walking to the door but I saw it. So, I stopped him.

"Roll your eyes one more time and you're never getting another child" I warned. He saluted me and walked out the door. A few minutes later he returned with Sebastian.

"Momma!" He yelled and Emilio set him next to me on the bed.

"Hi sweet boy. I'm surprised you're still awake" I said more to myself. A contraction suddenly hit so I tightly grabbed onto Emilio's hand and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Daddy! What's wrong with momma?" Sebastian sounded panicked "it's okay momma! You're okay momma!" He started to kiss my cheek and pet my head.

"Momma's okay bubba. She's just in a little pain" Emilio told him calmly. He was reacting so much better than when Sebastian was born.

After a little while the contraction passed and I was okay. I continued to hold onto Emilio's hand though.

"Can't I sit with you guys?" Emilio asked. I rolled my eyes and moved as far over I could so the Emilio could sit on the bed.

He pulled Sebastian onto his lap and then I leaned my head on his shoulder and tightly grabbed his hand. Sebastian placed his hand on top of mine and Emilio's intertwined hands, in an attempt to hold onto our hands as well.

"In a little bit you're gonna have to go sit with papa and papaw" Emilio told Sebastian. Seb looked at him confused.

"I don't want to leave momma" he said and wrapped his arms around my arm.

"You're gonna have to bubba. Only daddy, gama, and nana are allowed in once it's time for Matteo to come" I tried explaining to the 3 year old. Just then there was a knock on the door. It opened and revealed the doctor. Dr. Roseland walked in and put on a pair of gloves then sat on her stool at the end of my bed.

"Oh my! You must be Sebastian! You've gotten so big!" She exclaimed. Seb looked at Emilio and I for answers.

"Bubba this is Doctor Roseland. She was the doctor who helped me when you were born" I tried to put it into the simplest terms. He nodded and said hello. Dr. Roseland then proceeded to see how many centimeters I was.

"What's she doing?" Seb asked confused.

"She's seeing if Matteo is ready to come out" Emilio said. Sebastian looked at him like he was crazy.

Seb lightly laid his head on my stomach.

"Come on Matteo. I'm big brother Sebastian" Sebastian said. Dr. Roseland gave us a look telling me that I was ready to push put she played along with Sebastian and I allowed it even though I was ready to get Matteo out.

"I don't think he's quite ready yet" she played along. Seb gasped and talked some more.

"Come on. I wanna meet you. Mommas really pretty and you love her. And umm.. daddy's... uh.. well he has a brother. But they're really nice" seb talked on and on and Emilio gasped at his stamens but cut his little talk short because I gave him a look telling him I was ready.

Emilio quickly walked Sebastian out to Alex and then proceeded to walk in with the delivery team that the doctor had called in and both our moms.

"Okay ms adeline. You know the drill" doctor Roseland said. I nodded and tightly gripped emilios hand.

After few pushes and screams of pain, Matteo was handed to me.

"hi baby boy" I said and lightly stroked his hair. Emilio smiled at him and then the nurses quickly took him away so they could clean him up.

After I was all done and cleaned up, Matteo was brought back to me wrapped in a blanket with a little blue hat on and a pacifier that they give all the newborns.

"We'll be back to check on you in a few hours" one of the nurses told me. I nodded and rocked Matteo back and forth.

"Come here" I said to Emilio and moved over so that he could sit next to me. I carefully handed him Matteo and it looked as though he was about ready to cry.

"I told you it would be worth it" he whispered and placed a kiss on Matteo's head. After a little bit our moms held him along with everyone else. Alex and Bailee came in with Sebastian. Alex and Bailee were going to stay at our house with Sebastian until I get to come home because Emilio doesn't want to leave me.

"Oh he's beautiful" Bailee said softly after getting a look at Matteo.

"Do you want to hold him?" Emilio asked her, she nodded and reached her arms out to gently take him. She rocked him softly and then gave Alex a turn. Emilio lifted Seb onto the bed and leaned him against a pillow. Emilio gently placed Matteo in his arms and he smiled brightly.

"See I told you momma was pretty. And that's daddy. And that's uncle Alex and auntie Bailee. Auntie bailee is very pretty too" seb introduced him to each person "I promise not get mad when you cry. And I'll help with anything you need. And I can teach you sports and we play together"

Seb rambled on for minutes but Alex interrupted b cause he could tell how tired Seb and I were.

"Alright bub, its time to go. We'll be back tomorrow" Seb nodded and I took Matteo from him. He kissed Emilio and I goodbye and then Alex carried him out. I waved to all of them and the Emilio sat next to me again. 

"We make adorable babies" Emilio said and admired Matteo. I nodded and we sat in silence for a little while.

The nurse came in about 3 hours later to check on Matteo. She did her routine check up and then turned to me.

"Are you going to breast feed or bottle feed?" She asked me. Emilio snickered quietly next to me.

"I'll try breast feeding to see how that goes" I said and Emilio started to giggle. He always found the word 'breast' to be hilarious. I rolled my eyes and the nurse walked towards the door.

"I'll come back in 20 minutes to see how it goes. If he won't eat then I can go make a bottle for him" she told me. I nodded and she left the room.


I stayed home sick today and it was really boring. I watched Netflix with my dog and ate chips all day. I'm hanging out with trey a lot this week because he wants to "spend as much time as possible with me before I leave". I'm only going to be gone like 4 days and he acts like it's 8 years qjwkfnjowfmkow

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