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926.6k likes , 57.7k comments | 👤 adelinemartinez

emiliovmartinez: you've always been so adventurous, even at 6 months pregnant, I've always loved that about you ❤️

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adelinemartinez aww I love you

username: AWW

ivanmartinez umm pic Fred's

tessabrooks I need a relationship like this

username I still can't believe they're married, I'm so happy for them

killakiegan AWW

jordynxx: CUTE

erikacostell go martinez


trey is way to good for me oh my god. he is the sweetest thing ever I just wanna cry. He knows I've had a bad week and after yesterday he saw how upset I was, he got to school earlier than I usually do so he could put things in my locker.

my locker usually doesn't have many decorations besides like sticky notes reminding me of test and homework and such because I'm boring, so he hung up pictures of us and other things that make me happy and he brought me coffee jsinsnkscnk.

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