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28th July, 2000


8:30 AM

It was a quiet morning. The sun shone brightly through the huge windows, making patterns on the dark wood floor and a light breeze rustled the beautiful pink cherry trees outside. The room was a big one, huge windows covering the back wall, emerald green wallpaper in diamond shapes on the other three. A wardrobe was on the left side, almost reaching the ceiling. It was unexpectedly small, but had an undetectable extension charm making any amount of clothing fit. Next to the wardrobe was a door leading to the elegant marble bathroom. To the other side was a bookshelf, stretched all the way along the side, the wallpaper still visible. There were two chairs, big and black and regal, in the close right corner, a side table between them.

In the very centre was a bed, the cream bedding halfway across the side of the mattress and the green pillows strewn about. On the bed was a girl, the huge blankets dwarfing her already small body. Her brown hair was fanned out on either side of her head and her hand hung off the right side. The warmth of the sun crept up the sheets, then caressed her cheek and continued creeping up the bed. A soft groan escaped the brunette's lips and she turned onto her other side.

Friday, July 28th, she thought tiredly, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her brown eyes. They widened as she remembered what day it was. Malfoy and I have a date. She fell back on her bed and put a pillow over her face. Isn't my life simply lovely?

A knock on the door jarred her out of her thoughts. "Come in," she called, pulling the blanket further up her body to cover any bare skin.

The door opened a crack and someone poked their head in. Hermione rolled her head to the side to see who, and scrambled to sit up when she saw who it was. "Mrs Malfoy, good morning," she greeted, a nod in her direction.

"Narcissa," the regal woman corrected. "You might be my future daughter-in-law, after all."

A tight smile and response. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Narcissa laughed and stepped all the way in. "Draco's taken quite a liking to you. If he thought you as annoying as he told, he would have sent you home that same day as Miss Weasley."

Hermione blushed and she shifted to look more alert. She was painfully aware of the huge frizz she called hair and her hands unconsciously went to smooth it down. "He's just sending the really annoying people away. I'm going next."

"Well, it's half eight, dear. Draco's got a surprise for you. Dress casual." Narcissa left the room with an amused look on her face.

Hermione's face went right back in her pillow.

Draco, whilst Hermione got ready, was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Hermione had been there for thirty-two days and he was utterly surprised that it'd been so long. It felt like a week for him.

He no longer paid any attention on his dates with other women (save Astoria and Luna, for Astoria was like family to him and Blaise would surely kill him if he sent Luna home), instead he used the time to think about Granger, against his will.

They still didn't get along very well, fighting when they're alone, being unwillingly civil when they were in public. Draco thought he'd take this Friday to figure out what he and Hermione were, if they were anything other than enemies.

Enemies. That word used to be so simple. She hated him, and he hated her. But now, it held so much meaning. Enemy: a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. They fought about the simplest things—seating arrangements, different colours, the toilet seat being left up—but were they proper opposed to each other?

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