Sam, Lorayne, and Allison

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"Alright troops, move out," Nick said, jokingly. Everyone but Shane and Lorayne went with Nick to retrieve their bodies. Even Victoria, who, despite many protests, came with them. They arrived at the teachers lounge and went inside, leaving Elijah and Allison as security. Victoria clapped her hand over her mouth, trying not to throw up, whilst Alana put her head against Evan's chest, trying not to cry.

Everyone was both devastated and disgusted by the whole scene. They all were startled by the sound of Allison screaming and metal sliding across the floor. They dashed back out to no sign of Allison, and Elijah looking terrified, but most exciting, the killer's knife.

"I smacked it out of his hand with my trumpet," he said. Victoria picked it up, and held it in her hand, keeping a firm grip on it.

"We should go," Evan remarked, and they embarked back on their trek to the band room.


"Well," Sam said, curious, "how is he going to kill us now, since we have his weapon."

"Strangulation. Blunt force trauma with a heavy object. He could take it back." Victoria noted.

                   "Thanks a lot, Miss. Sunshine," Nick retorted. Victoria chuckled, and kept reading her book, trying not to remember some of her friends were dead.

Lorayne left with Sam, a roll of tape adorning her hand. They were going to tape over all the security cameras, but they only left with Sam's saxophone as security. An hour later, nothing from them. Victoria took a deep breath and hacked into the security system once again.

          "Three more bodies," Victoria remarked, obviously holding back tears. She zoomed in, even though it hurt her mentally. "Looks like he bashed Allison's head in, and strangled Sam and Lorayne, possibly with Sam's neck strap," she noted, then went over to comfort Ciara, who had started crying.

              "I can't believe my cousin is gone," she wept, and Victoria just hugged her tighter, so scared of who will be next. She made a mental note to finish the job on the security cameras.

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