Bri, Tim, and Tayler

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               "Has anyone seen Tim and Bri?" Tayler asked.

               "I think they-" Sam stopped, "they went for a walk." Everyone turned to Sam. Victoria stood up to stop Tayler from leaving.

                "Has no one learned their lesson, yet?"  Victoria remarked, annoyed. Everyone looked at her kind of shocked and suspicious. She clapped her hands on her mouth. "That sounded so much more creepy than I meant it, I'm so sorry. Wait, how could I be the killer if we saw them?" Everyone kinda shrugged and went back to what they were doing.

                      Alana was asleep on top of Evan, causing people to ship them more. Then, a blood-curdling shriek everyone recognized as Bri rang out through the school. About half of us jumped up and ran out the door. No
one was there, not even the missing people.

                       "How the-" Victoria mumbled looking at her surroundings.

                       "What?" Evan asked.

                      "He seems to know where we're at, at all times, it's like he can-" she stopped, and looked up. "The security cameras. He. Can. See. Us." She panicked, and dashed back inside the band room, Evan close behind.

                      "Let's weaponize our instruments," Nick suggested.

                     "Yes, let's," Ciara added.

                     "Well, while y'all do that, I'm gonna try to hack into the security system," Victoria said with confidence.

                       Nick and Ciara figured blunt force trauma would AT LEAST knock someone out.  Victoria typed away at the computer, finally hacking into the security cameras

                      "Guys! I got in!" She yelled over her shoulder, "now, let's see where our friends are." Everyone else was kind of doing their own thing, weaponizing their instruments. Suddenly, everyone jumped to the sound of the laptop slamming shut, and Victoria fleeing the computer. Alana and Allison rushed to her side, asking her where they were. "They're in the teacher's lounge," Victoria managed to get out.

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