Chapter two

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Image of Jose -------------------------------->

- Ariel's P.O.V -

"Stop turning around!" Sally yelled over at me as I turned my head in hopes to have lost Jose.

"I can't help it." I barked back, running ahead of her in frustration.

This wasn't the ideal hen night for a girl; after running out the house, saving two children from a broken Ferris wheel, and kissing a complete stranger, it was safe to say I was worn out.

"I can't see him anymore," Sally chimed.

"Well I can't risk that." I cried out as I continued to run ahead. I turned my head swiftly, only to see Sally frozen in her spot. "What are you doing?"

"Ariel." She paused. "Please don't move."

I could hear the panic rising in her voice. She was wondering her eyes over something in front of me, but I couldn't see. "Why?" I stuttered.

"Just stay as still as you can."


Sally's eyes wondered over the 'monster' towering above Ariel. She froze in her spot, unable to mutter a single word.

"What are you doing?" Ariel mumbled in concern.

"Ariel." Sally paused. "Please don't move."

"Why?" She stuttered.

"Just stay as still as you can."

Behind Ariel was a pitch black wolf, approaching them slowly with it's beady, golden eyes. He let out a small growl, sniffing Ariels scent. "Please tell me I can move now."

"No!" Sally cried out. "Stay still."

Ariel was tired of waiting, she didn't feel in danger, or in the presence of a threatening figure. So she did what she was so eager to do - she turned her head to face the wolf. At first she stood in silence, her eyes popping out of their sockets; the wolf breathed against her neck, nuzzling it's head against her open palm. "Hello," She whispered.

It was strange not to be alarmed, but Ariel felt a strong connection to the wolf. When it's head rested against her palm, she felt eletric shock through her body; it was a settling feeling.

"Ariel!" Sally cried out. "Watch out!"

Ariel's head turned as quickly as possible, stood behind her was another wolf. This wolf had white and grey patches of fur, with black orbs as eyes. It stared deep into Ariel's own, looking for an answer. She stumbled back in alarm, bumping into the black wolf that caught her by the back of its neck.

As she moved behind the black wolf, the new kind ran at them both. It snarled as its jaw closed around Ariel's leg; she let out a scream as tears streamed down her face - it's canines were ripping into her skin aggressively. "Let go!" She cried out.

"Ariel!" Sally cried, running towards them. The black wolf ran in front of Sally, pushing her away as it let out a small, yet dominating, growl. He wanted to protect her as much as Ariel.

Sally froze in her spot and looked for hope in the wolves eyes; it bowed it's head before turning to face the white wolf - things weren't going to be pretty.

- Ariel's P.O.V -

I felt his teeth clench harder around my leg as I squirmed in pain. He let out a snarl, eyes full of anger. He had no pity for the damage he was doing - who was I kidding? I thought to myself, He's a wolf, not a man.

After a stare down with the beast in front of me, the blood began to ooze out and I let out a small whimper. His teeth unclasped themselves, the wolf was meer inches from my burning red face. He sniffed the air once, and then twice, before turning abruptly to stare down the black wolf. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief; my leg was in so much pain but seeing the dark wolf made me feel secure.

"Sally," I cried out.

"Stay still, Ariel." She ran behind the black wolf and moved slowly beside the two of them as they stared each other down. "I'm here."

She kneeled before me, ripping my jackets arm off in a few pulls. I stared up at her in horror, while she gave me a small, reassuring smile. "This is going to hurt." She looked for response in my eyes, lifting her purse up into my mouth. Her free hand hovered above my wound, lifting my leg; I cried out and bit down on her purse instantly. "That's it."

She wrapped my ripped sleeve around the leison slowly, being heedful. "Just one more tug," She smiled up at me apologetically. Her hands tied the arm together and she pulled on them as hard as she could; pressing the fabric down onto the slash with one hand while the other held my hand reassuringly. "Thank you," I let out a grim smile.

When my eyes finally diverted from Sally's, the two wolves were at each other - paws slashing wounds in every spot of their bodies.


The black wolf lunged forward, rolling on the ground with the white wolf trapped in it's paws. It looked mad; mad enough to rip the white wolf to shreds in a sheer moment. But there was something stopping him; every time he peeked a glance at Ariel's face, he softened.

We need to take him down while he's weak, his wolf howled in pain.

I can't have her witness this, The black wolf growled. It turned to face the girls and bowed it's head as if to apologise. It leapt towards the white wolf, dipping its claw down as hard as it could before running off towards the woods. It's loud paws slammed on the bark as it let out a loud howl to it's pack.

Alpha? Beta Del spoke.

There's a white wolf on my trail. I need you to catch up with us. He spoke through their mind link. He could hear their growls erupt through the dark skies, like lightning threatening to ripple the ozone layer further.

He pressed forward, feeling the presence of what seemed to be the white wolf. As he stopped in his tracks he turned; before him stood a different wolf. He snarled in anger, feeling his gut twist and twirl as he remembered where his mate was. She was left alone with a true monster - one that wanted to hurt her for power. He could feel the strength and power already radiating off the white wolf from before, he must have been an Alpha; but he was no match for the black wolf.

The new, grey wolf circled the black with his canines at the ready. He padded forward slightly, snapping for the black wolves neck. He looked up at the wolf and examined it - he could feel the power radiating off this wolf too, but he felt like a beta more than anything. He bowed his head in honor before leaping at the beta and knocking it off of it's paws. They rolled to the side, his giant paw pressing the grey wolf into the dirt; he pressed down harder as the grey wolf struggled with a snare.

Before the black wolf had the chance to rip out the wolves throat due to pure anger, he lifted his head. His nose searched the air, sniffing hurriedly before his Beta appeared from beyond the trees.

Alpha, Beta Del bowed his head. We'll take the prisoner.

I have to find my mate, The black wolf snarled down at the prisoner.

Beta Del stepped forward, shifting back into human form instantly. He smiled smugly at the grey wolf. "Shift." He spoke in a snide tone. "I said shift!" He bellowed.

The wolf whined as he shifted into a young man, his hair was ruffled and his body was covered in deep wounds. They were bleeding excessively, it was a good job wolves healed quicker than humans. "Take him to our outland border, Keep him chained up in the prison." Spoke a husky voice, he stood out from beyond the trees.

"Yes Alpha," Del nodded as he put a pair of shorts on the naked guy, he bondaged the man on the floor before striding off with his large frame hung over his shoulder.

Carter nodded his head in annoyance. If he didn't find Ariel soon, he would rip the white wolves pack apart; the men would perish at his paws and no remorse would be felt. Ariel was his, his alluring, blue eyed mate - and he wanted her like nothing before.

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