Chapter 8

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~ Ariel

My body felt like it was caving in on itself. The sudden cracking of bones made me wince as I tried to fight it off, yet my mind felt at ease as Carter's voice echoed through my skull.

I suddenly became frozen in my mind as he spoke to me. His words comforting, his voice soft. "Carter?" I said - at least I thought I did.

"Ariel." He responded. "Relax your body before it becomes painful."

I eased myself as my back arched and my head flung back. I could feel Carter's warm body leave mine and I started to panic. "Where are you?"

"Calm down. I can't be touching you in case your wolf is protective of your soul."

My body crushed into itself and within a few seconds I could finally see again. My vision was incredible for the darkness that surrounded me. Carter was stood beside me in his wolf form, my wolves nose raised to the air, then proceeded to turn until he was in full line of sight.

Daisy, my wolf, took a step towards Carter's and nuzzled against his fur. She howled as his wolf grazed it's tongue against her chin.

"How long does this last?" I mind linked Carter.

"Not long, Daisy will give you control when you earn it." He paused. "I will change back now."

His body shrunk back into his human form and Daisy placed herself on the floor. I was just beginning to enjoy myself and he changed. She sobbed inside my head.

Carter walked forward and patted the fur on her stomach. I felt tingles explode through my skull as his hand rubbed her belly. She let out a soft purr and pressed her nose against his hand. After a few moments of playing he proceeded to step back, leaving us both feeling cold and empty without his touch.

"You need to change back before the moon lowers. If your wolf is in charge for more than the night on your first change, you will be stuck in her body for a while."

Let's change back, I protested.

I'm just getting started though. It's the first time you've been stuck in the back of my mind rather than the other way round! She growled under her breath and stood in defense as Carter stepped forward.

Carter turned back into his wolf; once you have changed a few times you take control of your wolf and they listen to your commands. They aren't in full control anymore. He stood ready to pounce.

RELEASE. GIVE ARIEL CONTROL DAISY. Carter's voice boomed through my head, making me wince. Daisy let out a small weep and stumbled forward, her head nuzzling against his wolf once more. He let his tongue graze over her head and lay beside her as our bodies started to mold together again. I felt her bones snapping as she whimpered into his fur coat.

My breathing escalated as I lay there on the floor, unclothed and sticky with beads of sweat. Carter changed back into his human form and wrapped his arms around my body. He cradled me slightly, carrying me to the en-suite bathroom and into the bath tub. The water filled around me as I felt myself doze off into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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