The Broken

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We live as bent and broken shadows of the people we once were

Not because we want to, but because we were forced to

Forced to by all of those who told us we were "worthless" and "a sad excuse of a person"

Because the weight of the cruelty we hear, see, feel, and live with took its toll on us all

We resort to the only things we can find to ease the pain, if even for a moment

A way to forget the nightmares of our days and our reality

And retreat to the dreams of our nights and lose ourselves for just a moment in peace

But when we return it hits us like a wave of stone

Drowning and crushing us in an instant

For others we refuse to return to our reality and we fade as the night turns to day

And we are forgotten all the same

We believe that the world will be better without us despite the ones who call us a gift

An inspiration

When we leave, the hope, happiness, and joy of others leave with us

Only to be replaced by the cold stone of heartache and heartbreak

Of loss, of sadness

Of forgotten memories, and lost dreams

Of forgotten names, and broken people

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