Chapter 2: My Enemy's Weakness

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Hello everyone Nightmare here again, with another Ink x Error ship story. Hope you enjoy this ship and this story............... This story have a little hit of sin. If you don't like sin get out if you don't want to read this chapter......

Ink sans teleported back to his house, then into his room. He landed on his bed and put his pillow over his face.
"Gaaaahhhhh!!!!!" Ink mumbled with the pillow covering his face.
"Now Error is mad, will mad then usual. He got so embarrassed hugging his enemy. Will I don't blame him, we been enemies for a long, long super long time. We just repeat everything we do. Destroy, create, fight, destroy, create, fight, destroy, create, and fight. Over and over and over......" Though Ink.
*Sigh* "I wonder? What if we stop doing this? What will happen next? Everything we'll be peaceful with creativity. But then what?......." Ink though hard. What will really happen next for both of them.

WiTh ErRoR...

"GaAAaaAAaaHHhhhhHHhh!!¡!¡!!¡ iNk iS sO dIe!!¡¡!
WhEn i SEe hIs StUpID FaCE!!¡¡ i'M  gOtTA BrEAk  tHE liFE OuT oF hIm!!!¡¡¡¡¡!!!!" Error went to the headquarters of the other evil Sanes. His trying to think of a plan to destroy another AU and break the life out of Ink.
"I kNoW iNk's LV, HP, aNd AlSo hIs ATtAcKs. ANd hE KnOwS mY LV, HP, aNd mY ATtAcKs. BuT hE AlSo KnOwS mY WeAkNeSs." Though Error. Planing his attack on Ink and the other stupid AU's.
"GaAaAAaaAaAHHhhhH!!!!!! I dOn'T EvEn KNoW ThAt iNk EvEn hAvE a WeAkNeSs!!¡¡¡!!???¿¿¿
IF OnLy I kNeW..........mOrE..............InFo.........aBOut..
..........hIm........" Error smirk. He knows someone who knows some info about Ink. He was looking for him and found him. He was talking to Dust Sans.
"HEy, cRoSs! cAn I aSk YoU SomEThInG?" Question Error talking to Cross Sans.
"?? What is?" Question Cross. He was surprise that Error wants a question from him.
"YOu KnOw a lOt oF tHiNg aBOuT ink, RiGhT?¿....."
"Yeah!......... Why?" Question Cross. Cross was curious, even Dust was curious too. He want to know too.
"EvErThInG!........ DoEs iNk HaVe a WeAkNeSs?" Ask Error.
"Hmmmm......... Let me think?.........." Cross was thing if Ink have weaknesses.
"Come on Error, it's Ink we're talking about when does Ink have a-" Dust got interrupt by Cross. He finally found the answer what Error was looking for.
"His neck, that his weak spot." Said Cross.
"..........hIs NeCk?¿" Question Error.
"Yeah! That's Ink's weak spot! Because his-" Error just left the room not finishing Cross expiation.
"Ink has a weak spot on his neck? Cross why didn't you told us! We could of use it to our vantage?!" Said Dust. Why didn't they tell them this information.
"I didn't tell you guys because Ink's neck is very and I mean VERY sensitive hen someone touching his neck."
Cross explain why he didn't tell anyone about this. "That doesn't sound bad...."
"He moan........."
"Okay now it sounds bad... Wait! How did you know Ink was sensitive?" Question Dust curious how he know Ink was sensitive around the neck.


Ink was minding his own business, looking the paper drawing of the different AU's. He is the guardian of the AU after all. Cross look at his friend like a prey. He sneak quietly, Ink notice a dark figure behind him, he turn around and got tackle by Cross.
Said Ink laughing out loud.
"Will it not myself fault your ticklish! Hahaha!!" Cross kept on tickling Ink to death.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! C-Cross hahahah s-stop I-I-I can't hahahahahah b-breath!!....." Cross still kept on tickling Ink to death. Till Cross tries to tickle his neck.
"Ahhh~!" Ink moan from that contact. Then he push Cross to the ground super hard that you can hear a crack of the nothingness floor.
"OWW, INK!! What was that- huh?" Cross stop and look at Ink. Ink cover his face with his scarf. He was embarrassed and blushing.
"Ink? Are you okay?..." Question Cross.
"Y-yeah! I'm f-fine...... I-it just I'm v-very sentive around m-my neck......" Stuttered Ink.
"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't I...I...I!!-" Cross got interrupted by Ink.
"N-no, no... It's okay..... You didn't know, sorry if I didn't tell you..... I just hate people touching my neck..... That's all........"

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