Strange Clouds

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"Pocahontas, its your wedding feast!" Grandmother Willow tried to drag me back to the village. For a feeble old lady, she actually wasn't very feeble at all. "I did NOT come out of my house for this. This is a special day."

"I don't want to go!" I cried, digging my heals into the dirt. "Its also a celebration for the warrior's safe return, so let the celebate! Just without me! Please!"

She huffed and let go of me. I almost tumbled backward to the ground, but I caught myself in the knick of time.

"I thought you said you and Kocoum had a moment." She said "moment" in a sassy tone, rolling her neck.

"Yeah but one moment is not enough to build a whole marriage on."
I sat on a tree stump, flipping my intricate braid over my shoulders to take it a loose.

"Maybe not, but thats what will keep your marriage interesting. You will share lots of moments together in the future." She sat down beside me, adjusting her smock over her legs. "Remember what your father talked to you about?"

"Today, I took a short nap before getting ready for the celebration." I said suddenly, looking up at her face. "I had a dream."

"A dream?" She questioned. Grandmother Willow was a firm believer that the spirits communicated with us through dreams.

I nodded, looking off into the distance as I  recounted my story. "I was in the forest. And I was holding this strange circle." I cupped my hand to hold the imaginary object. "It had a spinning arrow. And it kept spinning faster and faster until suddenly, it stopped."

Grandmothers eyebrows raised. "Spinning arrow." I could tell she was racking her brain trying to come up with a decent interpretation of my dream. "Maybe it was pointing you down your path."

"Thats what I was thinking." I folded my legs under me, getting comfortable. "But when I looked up to see where the arrow was pointing, there was this blinding light and I had to shield my eyes from it." I shrugged, looking up at her again. "And then I woke up."

"Dear, what does that have to do with the feast and Kocuom?"

I cant explain it to her, but something inside  told me that that arrow was not pointing to Kocoum.

"I dont know." I said truthfully.

"Well-" Grandmother stopped talking and stared. She held her head at an angle, obviously trying to listen to something. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Just then a high pitched bell rang through the clearing, but it was very faint, along with voices. Lots of them.

But again, it was very faint.

"I think its coming from the shore." She pointed upward. "Hurry dear, climb that tree. You should be able to see from up there."

I did what she asked and expertly scaled the tree, tearing my ceremonial dress in the process.

As I climbed my way up the ancient tree, I kept my eyes peeled for places to lodge my bare feet into the curves and crevices of its  bark.  Pulling myself up by its strong vines, I was finally  high enough to grab hold of a sturdy branch. With one great heave, I lift myself onto my perch. The wind whipped my long strands of hair into my face. Distractedly, I tucked them behind my ear, staring at the site before me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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