Chap.19: Cordelia The Coldhearted Bitch

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Yuu's POV:
While in my room, I couldn't stop this guilt feeling after that confrontation between me and Yui. I'm not always this evil or bad. Despite my harsh treatment for Yui and roasting her, I do have a soft spot for her, but I can't because...because...I have trust issues back when I was little. I was abused by my uncle and my aunt is barely here for me, so I ran away because I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to get hurt or broken because of him.

How? Well it's simple really, I isolate myself so people out there won't hurt or take advantage of me. Just like my uncle and aunt. They were horrible. Hell even I felt horrible for talking shit to Yui.....

While contemplating about what I said to Yui, I groaned irritably and ruffled my hair out of frustration.

"Ugh I fucking hate this guilt that having! Geez I am such a moron, and I felt like shit, but mostly a moron!"

I grumbled as I rubbed my temple, I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I said.

"Usually I don't give shit about what she says about me, but damn....I felt really bad about myself....."

I then leaned my head against my knees feeling guilty and shitty than before.

"Damn Yui....I take it back from what I said earlier....I'm sorry...."

"Hehehehe you're not sorry at all Yuu~"

An ominous voice appeared as I raised my head up to recognized that seductive laughter from before.

"That voice....gah!"

Suddenly my room got pitch dark when a beautiful woman with luscious long purple hair and gorgeous emerald green eyes appeared upon me smirking at me.

"It's you! You're the bitch who kissed me!"

I shouted with the woman chuckling flirtatiously.

"My, my, what a vile way to react to a drop dead gorgeous woman like me. I bet you remember my name by now."

She flirtatiously teased me, but I didn't give a fuck and glare at her.

"Ya damn right I remember you Cordelia you bitch."

I coldly snarled at her.

"Ooo feisty, ~fufu~ you really are an interesting mortal."

She smirked amusingly, but I was getting ticked off with her presence.

"Look bitch I don't know what you want from me, but you better get the fuck out of my room before I shoved my fist up into your slutty ass."

I harshly threatened her with Cordelia widen her eyes in surprise, but smirks intriguingly afterwards.

"How cute~ a mortal is demanding me with threats? How interesting you are."

She slyly remarked where I was getting fucking irritated with this bitch.

"Goddamn I would never forget what you did to me Cordelia, especially when you're the triplets mom!"

I gaged in disgust remembering not only two nights ago when she kissed me, but the fact that I got kissed by their fucked up mom! Ugh!!! Someone give me some holy water and a mouth wash! Ughhhh!!!

Cordelia then chortled amusingly while acting very innocently.

"Ah yes, I remember that very well. ~fufu~ It's pretty amusing to see your face when I steal your first kiss. It's very cute."

She cooed lewdly as shivers sends down to my spine, I cringed at her perverted words.

"Damn this is reason why this mansion is so fucked up. First, my dick-of-a-dad send us to this hella creepy mansion just to get rid of us. Then I have to deal with my clueless sister of mine while living with a bunch of rapist vampires. And now I have to deal with a whore mother who kissed me?!"

I ranted with Cordelia chuckling at me with amusement.

"Are you that amused by my suffering?"

I coldly asked with an irked expression.

"Oh no Yuu, this is just the beginning. The real entertainment will come tonight!~"

She giggled haughtily as I'm becoming more irked with this slut.


I threatened him with Cordelia smirking mockingly at me.

"Oh please do~ Cuz the fun is about to begin~"

She smirked arrogantly as she laughs evilly, she disappears from midair. Once everything went back to normal, I slam my head against my pillow groaning in annoyance.

"Ughhhh great. Just FUCKING GREAT. First I made Yui upset, but now I have to deal with this slutty bitch too?! Geeeezzzz this is gonna be a HUGE pain in the ass!"

I groaned irritably where this night just got crazier. Oh shit, looks like I better warned Yui and apologized her once this fucking night is over....

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