Chap.17: Face The Truth Yui!

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Yuu's POV:
Right after we got back from school, me and redhead got in trouble with pigeon face again where he is nagging us about having oral sex on redhead, making out with Yuma shirtless, and having a kinky threesome with Yuma and redhead. It was really annoying to deal with his nagging. Hell even redhead is getting ticked off with his nagging. And let's just say things with pigeon face is quite...tiring......

"Honestly you two, what in the world were your thinking committing such lewd activities in school?"

He grumbled irritably.

"Hey not my fault, redhead's the one who wanted to fuck me."

I bluntly point it out with redhead turning me with a frown.

"I do not care which one of you did it because what you did is deplorable."

Pigeon face strictly criticized us.

"So what's your point then?"

Redhead asked curiously as I fucking face palm when he asked that to him. Pigeon face sighed and pushed his glasses up irritably.

"Must I described every single detail that you just did back in school? Not only you two have missed your classes, but you also committed a sexual act outside from the school, Yuu had an intimacy with one of those half blood vampires, and you two and that half blooded garbage had a sexual activity in the infirmary room!"

He scolded at us, but both of us don't give a single fuck about what he said.

"We have a threesome in the infirmary room, so what? What's the big deal of it?"

Redhead snorted not listening to pigeon face's lectures causing him to get irked by his uncaring response.

"A nurse just called me to find three men NAKED on the bed in the infirmary room and I have to go all through the pain that you put m-"

"Pigeon face, no one gives a single fuck about your shit."

I bluntly cut him off with pigeon face starts frowning at my rudeness and redhead snickers at my snarky remark.

Pigeon face then pushed his glasses up with an irked expression.

"Yuu Komori, I will not tolerate this foul deplorable behavior of yours."

He harshly criticized with an annoyed tone, but I don't give a fuck and smirked slyly at him.

"Well guess what pigeon, I don't give a fuck about you and your rules. You know why?"

I then got up from my seat and walked towards him with a mocking smirk while pigeon is frowning annoyingly at me.

"Cuz I'm a mother fucking savage bitch!"

I flat out roasted him with my middle finger raising up to his face. Redhead then bursts out of laughter from my roast and I walked away from him. I then spun to him one last time before leaving his room.

"Oh and one more thing, you should really do something positive for once cause the more you treat your brothers like shit, the more shitty you get."

I bluntly roasted him as pigeon loses his temper and scolds at me.

"Just get out of my room!"

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