iv - vi

16 6 0

Home has a larger comfort now,

She's sleeping on my bed.


My house maybe small,

But it's fit for the two of us.

I had a house but I moved out,

You and I were living in it

While your parents were away.

- - - v - - -

Then soon after,

The incident, I moved out.

Bought an apartment,

Not out of town but

close enough to what I need.

Fit perfectly for me,

And now this girl.

Your parents sold it,

And I ask myself,

"Kei why did your parents do that? Why did they sell it?"

My train of thought is block after

I hear some shuffling.

- - - vi - - -

"Is she awake? Better check."

Walking in the room

She sleepy rubs her

Left eye.

A soft smile forms on my face, she looks over,


First thing I say,

"Wake-y wake sleepy head!"

She laughs.

And it warms my heart.

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