Chapter 10

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I woke up squirming, I was still an eel but my tail was straight and I had could just see the keys sinking back into the watery depths. I quickly shot after them, putting them back in a loop, I swam after the last key that was left, I didn’t know how long I had been, well, out for, so I guessed it was at the sandy bottom of the pool. When I finally reached the bottom I saw the key, it was gold, the one I got when I killed the weird fish, it had sapphires and emeralds in the intricate design, it was rather something. That was all of the keys; I’d swam almost all the way to the top when I started to hear the keys making the wind chime sound, I stuck my head above water then transformed back into a human, the keys still in my finger, I shouted up to the boys “Hey! Guys! Somethin’ strange is goin’ on with these keys!” Aaron poked his head over the corner of the platform where I had jumped just minutes before, “What sorry? Something strange? Like what?”

“Keys that jingle underwater. They sounded like wind chimes.”

“Oh, well, that is strange.”

“Next thing I know, I passed out!”

“You’re okay now aren’t you though?” Dylan poked his head out next to Aaron’s. “I think so, yeah. Hold on I’m coming up now.” I turned into a goose then flapped my way up to them, the keys in my beak. I landed smoothly in front of the boys, and shifted back into my human form, I was crouching uncomfortably. Dylan helped me up and Aaron inspected the keys, I was scared he was going to bend them, but he handled them like you would handle a flower. “You okay? You scared me when you just jumped in without shape shifting.” I could hear the worry in Dylan’s voice, “I’m fine Dylan, I didn’t get very far before I had to shape shift into something more suitable.”

“But then the keys- you passed out!”

“Don’t worry, I was fine.” I told him as I pulled him into a hug, just to calm his nerves, well, and mine, what was going on with those keys?

“They have an enchantment of some sort on them.” I looked at Aaron questioningly, “Huh?” I replied “The keys, they have an enchantment on them, they’re glowing, I also noticed that Nyx had a similar glow when we first met her, I think she put the enchantment on them so she knows what we’re doing.” Wow, Aaron was smart, I hadn’t even noticed! “I think we got all of the keys guys, I can see only 6 locks, you ready to fight?”

“Yeah!” The boys both whooped. “I’ll come but I’m not gonna fight, this Alcyone woman has nice nails, too nice to be ruined by fighting.” Jess appeared next to Aaron, “You won’t have to fight properly, don’t forget you can shoot liquid from your hands.” Aaron said in a low growl, I was surprised Jess might actually help us, “’Kay, whatever.”

“Let’s go then.” I picked the keys up from the floor and started to walk away when Dylan asked, “Isn’t there a quicker way?” I turned to see him smiling at me; I walked back over to the group, handed Aaron the keys and said, “Running or flying?” They all replied with flying.

I centred myself and took three long, deep breaths before transforming into a turquoise dragon. I was just bigger than Dylan. I unfolded my wings from my back and fluttered them experimentally, they worked fine. I felt Jess, Dylan and Aaron clamber up onto my back, “Ready?” My voice was deep, and it boomed around the course like a gunshot. “Yes, I think we’re all ready.” Jess sounded close to me so I guessed she was the one practically ripping the scales from the back of my long neck. “Wow, Jess, stop ripping my scales out.”

“Sorry, I’m just kinda scared.”

“I know, I am too.” I walked around a bit just to get a feel of my new body. This was more dangerous than anything I had ever done. One wrong move and we could all be dead. I didn’t want that to happen, I wouldn’t be able to live it down if I survived. Like my grandpa used to say, better to be safe than sorry. I walked right to the far wall then started to run, when I reached the edge of the platform, I spread my wings and leapt into the air. Behind me I heard Dylan and Aaron shout “Woo! This is so cool!” However, Jess was whispering, more than likely to herself “I’m ok, don’t look down. This isn’t too bad; it’s actually pretty fun. Woo-hoo.” She didn’t sound like she was having fun; it was a halfhearted cheer, but I guessed she was just trying to make herself think that she was having fun. I swooped down to the surface of the water and heard Dylan and Aaron splash water at each other, I flicked one of my talons and water flew at Jess, she giggled and flicked back. When I was met with red orange wall in front of me, I rocketed upward to the top of the wall, there, before us was the door, bigger than I thought it was, it was about the size of a double Decker bus turned or its back. I felt my two friends and the girl I had a mild grudge with get off of my back and let me morph human again; I stared up at the door. It was turquoise with a silver-gold pattern looping it’s way around it, just like the keys. “Charlotte, do you want to take the keys?” Aaron asked from next to me, his arm outstretched toward me, the keys dangling off of his finger, without looking at him I nabbed the keys off of him and said, “Sure, thanks.” My legs felt like jelly as I walked up to the 6 locks that seemed tiny compared to the sheer size of the door itself, I looked at the nearest lock, it was gold with sapphires and emeralds dotted around the key hole, I firmly jammed the matching coloured key in the lock and twisted, from behind the door I heard metal scraping against metal, the lock mechanism probably. The next keyhole I saw was the emerald one, like the gold hole but with sapphires and gold encrusted on the back plate, like the first key and keyhole, I firmly jammed it in. I did the same for the diamond, amethyst, sapphire and ruby keys, when I finally completed unlocking the door I heard my friends gasp, the intricate design on the door had had gold and silver lilies to it, it was beautiful, truly, beautiful. When we had finished gawping at the door, I pushed it; I wanted to see the inside. At first the door wouldn’t budge but with the help of Aaron’s superior strength it opened smoothly.

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