Chapter 6

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Leah's POV

 3 weeks later....

  My mom was just released from the hospital yesterday, and so far, everything was going well. She was able to stay awake longer and she could finally have a meal with us. It looks like she is slowly coming back to life and I'm glad to have my mom back. My sisters have been smiling much more and tears are now falling on rare occasions. My dad is recovering quickly, his arm is in a cast and he hates it. My dad is very independent and doesn't like missing work. Though I can tell he is enjoying spending extra time with his family.

Life at home is getting easier and it's nice having our family together again. I now feel like I can begin to be a kid instead of always playing an adult role. Things between Peter and I are good. Ever since that kiss, we've grown closer, but nothing is official yet. Peter is still Spiderman and he's beginning to look incredibly sexy in that costume. I think he knows it, too.

"Lee, mom wants you downstairs" Kayla said as she walked into my room.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I saw my mom sitting on the couch in the arms of my dad. She looked so much better, color is beginning to fill her face again and I can tell today is another good day for her. My dad is smiling down at her with so much love in his eyes, you couldn't help, but smile. I truly missed seeing them like this.

 "You asked for me" I said as I sat on the love seat opposite of them.

 "Yes I did, your father and I wanted to talk to you" she said.

 I nodded my head. "What's going on?''

 "I just wanted to truly thank you for watching out for your sisters during this whole thing. I know you haven't had a real chance to enjoy yourself these past few years. I am so sorry you've had to have such a major amount of weight on your shoulders and I just don't like seeing you stressed. I don't want you to play the adult role anymore" she explained.

 It warmed my heart to know my mom was watching how I was taking care of everything. I only wanted to make her proud and help her out when she is sick, like she used to do for me.

 "Your welcome, mom, and you don't have to apologize. I only did what I am supposed to do as your daughter. I'll always be here for you"

 "I love you. You are such a good daughter and I want you to get away from this for a while"

 "What do you mean get away?"

 "Your mother and I heard about this program in Florida, that helps teens get a head start in their careers and do some charity work. You get to meet other kids and get away from all this for a while" my dad explained.

 "That sounds like fun, but what about school?'' I asked.

 "Sweetie, school ends next week. You go in two weeks so school is not a problem"

"Why do you want me to go?'' I asked

 "We've heard you talking about this program and it doesn't sound that bad. Uncle Joey is the head of the program and he will keep an eye on you"

 It sounds like fun and I have been wanting to go to this program for a while. The charity work would look really good on a college resume' and it would be a nice getaway.

 "Ok, I'm in" I said with a smile.

 They smiled at me and motioned for a hug. I got up and embraced them, happy to be in their arms again.

 "Your going to have a great time'' my dad said.

 "I can't wait" I said.

 As we talked about the program, my mind drifted to Peter. What will Peter think?

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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