Chapter 13

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"A funfair?" I exclaimed in joy.

"Careful now, you might just split your face open if you grin any wider."

"Shut up," I whacked the tall boy playfully. "Oh, my God, I can't believe you brought me here!" I tried to take in all the joy that was in front of me. "I've heard so much about this place! I think I can throw up from excitement." 

I paused mid-walk as I realised I really could throw up from excitement. I clutched my stomach as if it was the key to prevent the disintegration of my bowel.

"You've never been to a funfair before?" A crevice formed between Tristan's eyebrows.

"No, have you?" I asked him back.

Tristan stared back at me with a deadpanned expression. "What do you think?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, don't be so cocky – I can bet you none of my family members have been to any – oh, my Gosh! Cotton candyyy!"

I dashed to the pink cart across me, nearly running over a kid in the process.

Upon reaching said cart, I held my index finger up. "One, please." I was slightly panting, partly because of the mad dash but also partly from excitement. It took everything in me not to jump up and down in giddy elation.

The cotton candy guy, however, was the embodiment of a joy void. 

"That'll be $5," he held up his hand expectantly, his beady eyes stared monotonously at me as if I was the most uninteresting vase in the world.

But my happiness was undeterred by the joy black hole in front of me. 

"Okay!" I pulled out my purse from my sling bag. But upon unlatching my bright orange purse, I was struck by the utmost horrible truth. It felt as if an invisible storm cloud had gathered above me and zapped lightning onto my body.

I bit my lip and stared helplessly at Cotton Candy Guy. 

"Do you accept credit cards?" I asked hopefully.

Cotton candy guy looked at me bemusedly but I continued to plead to him with my eyes, hoping against hope for a yes.

"I want you to think long and hard at what you just asked me," he purposely stressed on both the words 'long' and 'hard' as if he was talking to a small child.  

I was five seconds away from crying - It was not my fault I never had to carry around cash! Before today, I never even had a reason to own shoes.

"Here," a hand appeared on my left, throwing the $5 bill to the Cotton Candy Guy's cart. "Give her the cotton candy." I could feel the annoyance laced in Tristan's tone. Geez, I didn't ask him to buy the cotton candy for me so why was he so annoyed?

Cotton Candy Guy scowled at Tristan. "Did you have to throw it at me?"

"Did you have to be so rude to her?" Tristan snapped.

I could feel a smile begin to take form on my face as I realised his annoyance was not directed at me. Grinning, I turned back to Cotton Candy Guy and held my hands out. "Gimme!"

Cotton Candy Guy rolled his eyes and proceeded to make the pink sugar cloud – I ate up the show like it was the most fascinating thing ever.

"Yes!" I cheered quietly, when he finally handed me the desert. Gingerly, I took a bite of the soft cloud and reveled in the sweetness that could only be explained by God's grace.


I looked up in surprise.

Tristan was holding a phone up in front of me.

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