Zoe's Story. (Chapter Two)

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They were slanted, like a cat's, with deep purple irises. I pushed aside the bush to reveal the teeny little pure black kitten in front of me, meowing.  

It was so cute! 

But it was swearing enough to make a pirate cross himself. I figured out that it was a girl and tried to talk to her. 

"Hi." I said. She blinked. And then she blinked again. 

"Are you talking to me?" Her little voice sounded like a kid's, unsure. 

"Yea, I am. Where'd you learn that kind of language?"

She cocked her head at me. "My mistress once tried to bathe my dad."

"Oh." I nodded understandingly. "So why are you swearing like that?"

"Because I'm stuck."

"But you're a cat."

"I'm afraid of heights." She blinked, her big purple irises staring at me with a wise look. "My mistress's son dropped me off here and left me. There was a really big wolf out there, so I climbed up here."  

"That was me."

"What?" She screeched, her back arching as she back away slowly. I threw my hands up. "Wait! I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat animals." 

"Then why did you chase me? I had to run up this tree to get away from a big tan wolf who was trying to eat me."

"I'm a gray wolf," I said, puzzled. "How long ago was this?"

"A few minutes ago." She whispered. "They're still out there. Can't you hear them?" 

I decided to take action. "What's your name again?"

She made a face. If a cat can even make a face. "My mistress and her son called me Mittens. But my real name is Riley."

"I'm Zoe." She stuck out a tiny paw and I took it between my pointer finger and my thumb and shook gently. "Okay, now Riley, do you trust me?"

"I guess I'll have to."

"Good. Now come here." She cautiously came, her paws making no noise on the smooth bark. "Climb onto my back."

She did as I told her to, digging her claws into my back. I prayed that the wouldn't heal while they were still in there and started to descend. "Close your eyes." 

"They're closed. Now please, just get it over with." Her teeny voice was quiet. I carefully started to make my way down. I heard the branches above me move slightly and climbed down a little faster. Riley dug her claws into my back a little harder. I winced and slowed back down.

"Sorry." She whispered. "

"It's fine."

I stopped for a moment to let Riley have a break and closed my eyes, leaning against the bark. 

"Zoe there's--" My eyes flew open in alarm and I saw a guy around my age, leaning against the other side of Eden.


I screamed and let go, my arms flailing wildly to find something to steady myself. And I fell.  

Riley let loose a string of profanities that were even worse than before, and if I hadn't been so occupied with falling to my death my ears might've been bleeding. She clawed her way from my back to my stomach, making tiny incisions with her claws. The air was moving past me fast. And then...

Someone caught me. He bent his knees a little for support, then held me against his chest. I was shaking violently and my teeth were chattering even though it wasn't cold. My heart rate slowly went back to it's normal pace and I didn't feel like I was going to puke out heart anymore.

So I pushed lightly on his or her chest. They, who turned out to be a he, looked down at me.

His hair flopped into his eyes while he looked at me with humor and worry. "Well, isn't this dejavu?"

"Who are you?"

He looked dissapointed. "Come on Zoe. You don't remember me? I'm so hurt."

"Jace?" I asked increduously. He smiled widely, flashing same fangs.

"The one only."


"Oh my gosh, Riley, are you okay?" I asked worridly. Her fur was ruffled and she looked digruntled.

"Am I all right?" She gave me a few choice words to tell me how not all right she was. I put my hands on Jace's chest and shoved off, stepping onto the ground and taking a few steps away. Jace was looking at me, confused.

"Wait. You talk to animals?"

"Yes. Riley here has a few choice words to explain how she's feeling. And that reminds me..."

I stood up straight and walked over to him. And then I slapped him. "That, was for giving me my first kiss when I was six, and without my permission."

And then, with my other hand (I had it so that my left arm had as much power as my right arm), I slapped his other cheek. "And that, was for nearly killing me both times that we met."

He looked flabbergasted. Sputtering, his face turned red. I was glad to see that there were giant pink handprints where I had slapped him. I turned to Riley. "Do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you?"

"Where are we going?"

"To my house."

My head was clear and I was ready to give Damon my blessing without being spiteful. Plus, Riley might've wanted something to eat.

"I would usually walk, but there's some unknown stuff out there." Her little body shook for a moment. Smiling, I scooped her up and held her to my chest, setting off without a second glance at Jace.

Was I being mean? Yes. But you can't just kiss someone and make them fall out of trees and then leave and expect them to be all coom-by-ya when you come back. It just wasn't right.

I felt a slight breeze next to me and then, "I'm sorry I left."

"It doesn't matter." I mumbled.

"Yes, it does actually. Especially when you're my--"

"Don't say it." I hissed.

"Especially when you're my mate." He said it anyways.

As much as I might've liked to deny it, I couldn't ignore the pull I had toward him. Yes, I chose to excersise it because he was icky for leaving. Yes, I felt like I was floating. But I refused to act like a lovestruck dummy. Even if I wanted to kiss him sensless.

He smirked. "Which is why, I think it's time for me to meet the parents."

Oh no.

I wasn't speaking to him as we tromped to the house. My mom was sitting on the porch swing and her eyes widened as we approached. I didn't blame her.

Me, clad in only a long black t-shirt while holding a purple eyed kitten. Jace, his hair floping everywhere as he strode nervously beside me.

"Well, look what the forest kicked out."

"Mom, Jace, Jace, mom."

"What happened to your face?"

I Broke His Nose When I Was Five...2: Zoe's Story.Where stories live. Discover now