Chapter 2: What Happened A Year Ago

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Anne's POV

          While I was busy doing my needle point, someone came running into the room. I jumped. It was my brother, Arthur.

Arthur: "My favorite twins!"  He said with a strong smile.

Me: "Arthur, I've missed you so much."  I said with a growing smile.

Arthur: "Oohf, Cordelia my lovely sister."  He said as she hugged his torso...... tightly.

Cordelia: "Where's Katelynn?"  She said looking behind him.

Arthur: "She's  in the living room talking to mom."  Cordelia ran out of the room and Arthur shut the door behind her.

Arthur: "How is our plan working?  Is she becoming more like your brothers?"

Me: "OUR brothers. And yes she is. She started asking mom for pants. I also noticed that she uses Michael's books at night."

Arthur: "That's good and I really want her to go to school. We need to get her into women's rights, though. She's gonna get educated, go to college, become a politician for women's rights and save the world.  I know it's a long shot but if anyone can do it, it's us."

            My brother and I started planning last year. When he got married he came to me. He told me he didn't want his kids (if he has any daughters, especially) he doesn't want them to live in this society. I told him that we should turn Cordelia into the politician because she is brave, smart, and will speak up for what is right.  He asked me to do it but I turned him down because I'm to shy and wouldn't be good enough to pass off as a boy.

Arthur: "We'll talk more later. We better get into the kitchen before someone suspects something is wrong and comes in and hears our plan."  Arthur opened the door and waved his hand as if he was telling me 'lady's first'. I smiled and walked through the door.  When we got into the kitchen Arthur went over to Katelynn and kissed her in the cheek. She started to giggle.

Arthur: "We have some big news to tell everyone tonight."  They both smiled. Cordelia's jaw dropped.

Anne: "Is Katelynn with child?"  I asked.

Katelynn: "You will just have to wait till tonight at dinner."  She stopped smiling and went back to chopping.

Arthur: "Here I'll help."  He took the knife away from her and she went to my bedroom clutching her stomach. She has to be with child, if she is I hope it's a girl.

Arthur: "Dang, I just cut my finger."

Me: "Cordelia bring me the first aid kit, quickly. I'll go get my sewing kit."  Cordelia got me the first aid kit and I got my needle and thread. I sewed his finger up in five minutes. My new story record. He didn't even scream, his face just turned beat red and his eyebrows furrowed. He was trying to be tough because he didn't want to disrupt Katelynn as she slept in my bed. We could hear her moaning and groaning, her stomach must really hurt.

Arthur: "Thanks sis."  He said with a wink.

Me: "Welcome bro."  I winked back. Cordelia started laughing but stopped as soon as she heard the hard knock on the door. The loud knock cause an upheaval in the household.

Katelynn entered the room very quickly and so did the rest of my brothers. My mom walked into the kitchen and ushered us into the living room. Standing in the other side of the door was a man. In his jacket there was a sun insignia in his arm. He's must be part of the high government. But what does he want to do with my family?


If you are enjoying reading this story thank you so much. I am really enjoying writing this story. So thank you for the support and vote.

~Molly Anne~


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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