Chloes Dream

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Chloe's dream

*Chloe's P.O.V*

I'm standing in the corner of my room I look at my hand

"I'm transparent!?!"

I see myself laying on my bed, I hear my parents walking up the stairs, BOTH of them. I ran to the door and start yelling.


They open the door and walk right through me I tried to get their attention but They can't see or hear me so I watch them.

it's morning there coming up to wake me up for school. first they think I'm sleeping, but they notice my little chest isn't moving, they notice I'm slumped over the side of my bed wrest up, they see a pool of blood beneath my lifeless arm. my bed is covered in blood, my whole body is colorless except for the red in the certain spots. Their faces go wait to feel sick my mom foster her knees, hands trembling, tears streaming down her very pale face. My dad wants to my motionless body. Begins to shake me yelling.


He begins to cry. my strong father is now bawling his eyes out.

Cole and Alex run upstairs and knows what happened before they even step into my room. They know I was feeling like this. now they hate themselves more than I ever hated myself. they regret not saving me, they wish they had said something. The day has passed, and the whole school knows.

All my friends thought I was just sick, and they would see me tomorrow, it's five minutes before the school ends, and an announcement comes on the sound system, they share the loss. Ivy is in her class screaming out in pain, she wants to die. she goes home and locks yourself in her room, she paces around her room Cries, thinks. She pulls out a long scarf from her closet. 20 minutes have passed and now Ivy my best friend is now gone as well, she was hoping to meet me again. now this school is morning in the loss to break teenagers. Two families cry tonight. Blake here's the news and doesn't talk to anyone for days, he stops eating, he stops talking, he stops living, he just sits alone in his dark room, thinking of all the ways he should've helped. The people who made fun of me cry too, they never meant to kill anyone. My teachers have to go through all my records, and take me out of their classes, they cry to. Mis borealudire, the one teacher that saw my arm, she lives The rest of her life in regret, knowing if she would've done something I could at least gone to college. had a future... But I'm dead

I wake up covered in sweat and tears...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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