Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Chloe's P.O.V*

I pace in my room as the voices in my head get louder and louder.

" freak, psycho, unloved, worthless, whore, crazy, nerd, ugly, retard, nobody, Geek, loser, moron, Dumb messed-up, disappointment, idiot fat, horrible, not right, bitch, cracked, disaster, which, emo, mental, unwanted, pig, waste of space, disgraceful, weird.."

I sit on my bed rocking back-and-forth in my room with my hands over my face and whisper quickly

"Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop STOP"

I stare at the broken glass at the end of my bed, I grabbed a piece of the class and hold it to my wrist.

"May I never be complete"

I slice my wrist.

"May I never be content"

I slice my wrist.

"May I never be perfect"

I slice my wrist.

I lay on my bed and fall asleep as my wrist bleed

* next morning*

The alarm goes off and I shoot out of bed I throw on a T-shirt, a sweater and a pair of jeans, then headed downstairs to see my brothers eating breakfast.

"Hey guys"

" hi Chloe"

They purposely don't look at me, so instead of eating with them I just grab a piece of toast and leave. as I'm walking to school I put my hair in a lazy bun.

Ivy walks past me.

"Oh hey Chloe"

She fake smiles at me like she's all that, and Has that kind of I don't give a fuck about you, sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Hey ivy... we haven't talked in a while, I texted you but you never replied"

She looks at me like I just asked for her kidney or something, like what the hell we were best friends, and now it's like I don't even know her.

" umm will i'm head cheerleader, and I have a lot of friends, so like I'm busy a lot."

Oh my fucking god, she's such a snooty little bitch. Like what the fuck happened every time she talks to me she has a tone in her voice like I'm a peasant or something. I just don't understand, we used to talk every day, see each other all the time, I could tell her anything, and now I feel like if can't even say hi to her.

"You know what everybody isn't your friend, just because they hang out around you, and laugh with you. doesn't mean there for you, just because they say they have your back, doesn't mean you won't stab you in it. people Pretend well. jealousy sometimes doesn't live far, so no your circle, because at the end of the day, with real situations effect people, so pay attention.

Her eyes widened

"We'll...we'll at least I have friends unlike you"

" yeah well I'd rather be a square then be part of your circle"

I run a little ahead then turn around and look back at her.

"Oh ya for all of you who GOSSIP about me: thanks for making me the center of your world."

I run all the way to school fighting tears and get in class...

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