Why am I so good with kids?????

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I don't like kids but kids like me?????
Like one time I was in summer school and my bus driver was an ass
He did his job wrong
My stop was the last one and there was little kids crying because he said they had to get off the bus, but this wasn't their stop
He was fired

The next day, close tot he end of class, my friend and I were called down to the office
So we went
And there was the principal and a little girl
The principal said the little girl was still scared of riding the bus so he asked us if we could sit with her
We of course said yes

The little kids all sat in front, this is important
So we went to the bus and I sat with the little girl
Somehow I ended up making this story up of a girl that could talk to animals
All the little kids were listening and then clapped once I finished

They had to leave since they lived close by each other

I went to the back to where my friends were
1 girl and 3 boys
One of the boys had a crush on me, I never saw him again after that

Great story

Ok bye
Luv u <33333333333

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