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Oh my god I don't even know where to start. First things first... THANK YOU FOR 12k READS!!❤️❤️❤️. I want to be honest with you. When I first started writing this fan-fic, I never thought I would get this far. Seriously I thought my storybwas never going to be discovered and that no one would like it but things turned out completely different and believe me I'm so so grateful for that. I know a lot of writers don't usually do this annoying A/N thanking their readers for the views, but I feel the need to do it because I'm very grateful. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you so thanks❤️. Also, thank you to all the ones who vote in the chapters even when I don't ask them to. It means a lot to me and also to the ones who comment. I love reading your comments and I read every single one of them so keep doing it! Now, there's a few important things I would like to adress about the story:

1. If you weren't sure, yes, there's gonna be a second book. This story is far from finished!

2. Regarding chapter 24, I'd like to say a lot of things lol. First, you may have noticed by now that everything that I wrote on that chapter didn't appear in the show. It all came purely from my mind. However, this chapter is the most important one im the whole book. If you read very carefully, it gave away 3 important things that will happen in book 2, one of them being the whole Izzy wanting Brielle to be her parabatai (I'll explain more of that in another point). The other two things are very subtle and I don't thing you would figure them out. One of them is one of the biggest plot twists that will happen in book 2 and I'm so excited to write about it because believe me, YOU WON'T SEE IT COMING. Also, this was a central chapter for Alec and Brielle's relationship and the dance they shared was one of their biggest moments. You will find out why later on in the story, probably not on book 2 though.

3. About the Izzy and Brielle Parabatai thing. Yes, I know that you have until age 18 to find a Parabatai and yes, I know that in the books/show Izzy doesn't have one. But once again, this is fan-fiction and I love adding my own plots and twists to the story because that's what this is about! Even though the story is based on the series, not everything will be the same. Believe me, it is VERY VERY far away from being the same. What fun would it be if it was exactly the same? IT WOULD BE BORING AF! And this will be a main point/plot in book 2.

4. This fan-fic will have as many books as the show has seasons, meaning, if the show ends for example at season six, my fanfic will end with book six. However, regardless of how the show ends, it won't affect how my story will end. I've had the ending on my mind ever since I started writing chapter 1 and I believe you will be all very pleased by it.

5- There's only two or three chapters left for the end of book one. However, I'd like to make you all happy and I will re-write some chapters in the point of view of other characters. Why? Well, some are a key-point for the story and other ones just because I know it would make you all happy. For example, I will re-write chapter 24 in Lydia's point of view. It is a priority that you read that chapter in her point of view. What I don't know, is if you want me to publish it right after chapter 24 or you want me to publish it after the last chapter. Also the wedding chapter that would be chapter 25, I will re-write it in Alec's point of view. So please comment if you want those extra chapters in between the three remain chapters or at the end of the book :).

6- I'm still debating on how I should end book one lol. Like I'm 90% sure of how I should end it but at the same time I'm not entirely convinced. Don't hate me lol.

7- I will let you know when I publish the first chapter of book 2 in this book.

8- Book 2 will be filled with A LOT of twists.  Soooo be ready because it will mess with your head and wreck you mentally and emotionally muahahahahaha.

9- Once again, thank you all for the support and for reading my story. It means the world to me and you don't know how happy it makes me feel. I promise I will take less time to update lol. I took so long because of personal stuff and school that was stressing me out. I have my first period exams for two weeks and I had some important issues going on. I'm better now so I hope to take less time to update. I love you all<3.

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