Trust Issues

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A/n: DAMN 100+ reads? REALLY. thnx guys❤️❤️❤️

"We're either of you with Pidge when we crashed?" Shiro huffed
"No it was just us and Matt!" Lances voice was shaky
"GREEN COM ON, HELP US OUT HERE!" Hunk yelled at the lion. Green growled at them, lowered her head and opened her mouth to reveal a projected screen. She had captured the incident on video. "Guys get over here!" Hunk called out to Keith, Sam and Matt. They all watched the parts that Green recorded for them. "So Prince Loser has Pidge?!" Lance cried
"I'm gonna rip that guys pretty head off!" Matt sharpened his spear.
"Matt it's alright, she's a very strong girl" Sam put his hand on Matts shoulder
"But the fact that she's 15 makes me feel uncomfortable" Hunk accidentally mumbled a little too loud. "~WAAAAAA~" Lance, balling his eyes out, ran to Hunk and gave him a hug. "Dad, did we miss her birthday..wait what year is it? HOW OLD AM I?!" Matt started balling HIS eyes out.
"It's only been nine months!" Sam tried to stop Matt from crying
"Oh boy" Keith thought. He looked at the bandages, unclipped them and started unwrapping them. "Keith, are you sure you're ok?" Shiro asked
"I'm fine, it's pretty much healed"

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
The projection in Green started 'Receiving Call'. Green automatically picked up
"PIDGE CANT YOU DO THAT ANOTHER TIME?!" Zyan yelled shooting at someone
"SHUT UP" Pidge then yelled co-ordinands
"PIDGE WHATS GOING ON?!" Shiro yelled
"WE'RE ALMOST OUT--" Static came across the screen and the call ended. 

"Get to your lions!" Shiro punched in the co-ordinands.

Pidge and Zyan

"PIDGE, WE NEED TO GET OUT WHILE WE CAN" Zyan yelled while shooting and wiping out some of the Galra soldiers. ".....OK WHEN I SAY GO I NEED YOU TO OPEN THAT DOOR AND READY AN ESCAPE POD!" She called over the gunshots while typing on a little computer that she stole. "ANNNNNNND...GO!" Zyan shot the last few bullets, dropped the gun, ran to the purple door and quickly opened it. Pidge ditched the computer and ran after him dodging the Galras bullets. The two jumped into an escape pod and rammed it into the door. They flew away without looking back.

Pidge fidgeted with a picture of her and her friends, they were all dressed up in tuxedos and smiling together. "Sorry, I get I'm making you nervous" Zyan spun the chair around and gave her a soft smile "Its ok, still not sure how much I trust you..." She responded
"Fair enough...hey you wanna fly this thing?" Pidge smiled brightly. She jumped into the pilots chair and had a bit of fun. The two laughed. Zyan fell over multiple times.


"YOU IDIOTS, DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!!!" Lotor screeched at the Galra soldiers. "That little rat, I always new there was something different about him, Zyan he never liked going on missions or fighting with the rest of the boys" Lotor thought "GO AFTER THEM, CAPTURE ZYAN, ALL THE LIONS AND THEIR PALADINS!" He roared.

The Paladins

Everyone was quiet, they didn't know what to say. Matt and Sam sat in the back of the Black lion fidgeting with their gloves, spears, hair and whatever else was available. Lance, Hunk and Keith awkwardly shuffled around in their seats. "I've got a Galra pod in range! About 900 metres" Shiro yelled.
"Hello--any-on-ere?!" Hunks radar in the lion started connecting with the pod
"PIDGE, IS THAT YOU?!" Hunk cried
Everyone landed. Pidge jumped out of escape pod and gave everyone a hug. Soon after, Matt and Sam walked out of the lion. Pidge stared for a second, not knowing how to react, but then she broke down into tears and ran to them. "MATT, DAD!"
"Katie!" Sam cried. He held onto his children as if it had been years since he had seen them.
"I missed you, Pidge" Matt smiled. Pidge had reunited with her family and friends.

Zyan started walking up behind everyone, all he ever wanted was to see his family again and experience freedom, maybe this could be the beginning of a new life for him. He stood next to Shiro but just behind him. He was extremely cautious since he wasn't very sure what experiences with other Galras. Shiro was smiling until he realised all the bruises and cuts on Pidge not to mention the bandages wrapped around her head and her lack of clothes. A sense of rage built up profusely inside his chest. He then spotted Zyan out of the corner of his eye and in an instant his prosthetic arm was activated, he spun around and slammed his hand into Zyans chest, smashing the armour he was wearing. The blow sent him tumbling. Shiro stood over Zyan, who tried to fixate his blurry vision onto something. He clutched his chest, which was now exposed, bruised and bleeding, and cried in pain. He looked up, with his blurry vision.

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