Apart and Reunited

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Shiro and Hunk

"Hunk, stop panicking, we're gonna be fine!" Shiro told him. The two had been thrown into an underground cell. "But what if we can't escape?! They took our helmets and bayards plus these bars are made of Kerberos Rocks which are really strong!" Hunk ranted on and on.
"Hm, I wonder how Kerberos Rocks got here..." Shiro though
Tap Tap Tap
"Ok listen up you two!" An alien with blood red hair and silver skin came and stood in front of the cell. "Our leader wants to speak to you, SO NO FUNNY BUSINESS!" He screeched at them.
"Yeesh, no need to yell" Hunk rubbed his ear.
Once again, they were cuffed and shoved down the hall. They reached a room, which was in the shape of the inside of an igloo.
There was a man sitting at a desk in the centre of the room "Mr Holt, they're here!" Shiro's heart skipped a beat. "SAM?!" Shiro cried without realising. The guard gave him a dirty look while Hunk just looked confused. The man looked up in disbelief.

Keith and Lance

"YOU'RE PIDGES BROTHER?!" The two yelled. The boy looked a little shocked.
"Um, sorry I don't know anyone by that name" He nervously shuffled back a bit, putting his hands up. "But you've got a sister, don't you?!" Lance asked. The boys look saddened. "I do but..."
"She's here in space!" Keith blurted.
"What?!.....you must be mixed up with someone else..she's back on earth!" His eyes got glassy and reddish. "No really! Her name is Katie isn't it..?" Lance had a smile spread across his face. The boy looked up at them. "Is she really here?!"
"Yes!" The two yelled.
"Matt! What is going on?" An alien yelled from the bottom of the lion.
"Claru!" Matt slid down the lion "I may have found my sister, it's time for me to go" Matt told Claru handing him a HUGE set of keys.
"I understand" The alien tightly hugged him. "Will you not be able to say goodbye to everyone else?" Claru asked
"Matt! You can go we'll wait!" Lance yelled from the top of Red
"...Thank you!..." Matt and Claru ran through the bushes and were gone in seconds.
Lance picked up a little jar with pale green ointment inside, that Matt left behind, and read the back
"I guess this is it" Keith had taken off his chestplate and rolled the undershirt down to his waist, he carefully rolled over onto his stomach. "Lance, can you please put it on my back" Keith voice was low but somewhat desperate.
"Ok" Lance was extremely careful rubbing on his back but he didn't realise that just below the middle of the shoulder blades hurt the most.
"AHHH, CRAP!" Keith clenched his teeth as he cried in pain
"Sorry!!!!" Lance took his fingers off


"Well hello little paladin, it's been a while" Lotor grinned
"Obviously not long enough" Pidge spat
"Lotor, who is she?" One of the boys asked
"Why..this is one of the Paladins of Voltron, remember what I told you boys?"
"Wait ..so she's here to kill the Galra species?!" Another boy asked
"Sadly yes" Lotor pouted
"Nothing but the truth" Lotor walked behind the four boys "Now if you boys don't mind, why don't we catch this little bird" Lotor laughed. The boys jumped onto their motorbikes and rode towards Pidge. She pulled out her bayard, shot it up to a tall rose gold tree branch, swung up to it and climbed up.
"DONT LET HER GET AWAY" Lotor screeched. Pidge shot her bayard again this time directly over green. She jumped off the branch. As she got closer to the ground she started skidding then tripped over and tumbled a bit.
She jumped up. "GREEN, COME ON PLEASE OPEN UP!" She could now hear the motor bike engine getting closer "GREEN! PLEASE!" She started banging her fists on the green quinteccents. (Idk how to spell that😅)
Someone jumped down from a tree, landed directly behind her and wrapped their arms around her so she couldn't move too much. The Galras grip was strong enough so she lifted her legs up and pushed off of green so hard that the boy slipped over and landed straight on his back.
"Ahh!!!" He cried in pain. By the time Pidge got back up the rest of the Galra were already there.
For the split second she was distracted another one of the boys came up to her, twisted her arm backwards and pinned her to the ground. "GO FIND THE OTHERS, GIRL, DON'T LET THEM CATCH YOU" She shout at her lion as she swung her leg up at hit the boy in the back of the head. He let go and summersaulted over her.
"AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" The lion hesitated then took of within seconds.

I hope you liked this chapter, if you think I should make any parts of the story make sense or if I'm rushing scenes plz tell me, also I didn't know what to call this part soo...yeah, anyway that's all✌️

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