This is how the girls do!

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Thought I would put a picture of Laura and Crystal for those of you who want one --------->
Crystal POV
I yawned as I started to stretch, and remembered we have a girls day of pampering before our anniversary with the guys. Yes all alone with Laura..., and Stacey... And Jade oh yeah... It's all cool though 'cuz I'm with my girlies, I thought while getting ready.
Going down the stairs I see my dad left a note saying: gone to do the shopping and stuff, I took the bus so you can take the car. Love dad.
Thanks dad. I say in my thoughts, like I'm sending a telepathic message.
'Time to get ready' I say to myself and start to get dressed

Laura's POV
As I finish brushing my silky hair to perfection I race down stairs to meet my mum cooking. "Hey mum" I say
"Hi darling, are you ready to go?"
"Uhuh, Crystal is picking me up soon, I will come back by nine pm. 'Kay?"
"Okay, dads home too. He came yesterday night"
"Oh okay tell him I say hi, and that I'm out"
"Alright, bye Laura!" She says while waving a goodbye to me. I wave back and go round to Crystals house.
I knock on the door and Crystal pops her head around it. We greet each other then she leads me into her car. After that we settled into a comfortable silence. Crystal decides to break it.
"Soo...?" She asks
"Soo..." I mimic
"Here we are at the mall" she says, and continues "I see Stacey's car and Jade came with her"
"Where are we going to meet them?" I ask as Crystal smoothly parks with the front facing outwards
"I'll text them right now" she says as she takes the key out of ignition. I didn't see what she wrote but she quickly got a reply and she read it out to me, that we will meet up at McDonalds at 12pm noon sharp. A whole hour to ourselves me and Crystal... Alone.
My conscience squeals inside.
I don't know why she was squealing, but I squealed with her.
"So?" I start "What now?"
"Hey, let me show you around, you are new in town and all that right?" She suggests
"Yeah, great idea!"
As Crystal ushers me into the great glass doors of the mall I feel a huge gush of the A/C -air conditioning- engulf me. She takes my hand. I feel the red flowing up travelling through my neck, I cool myself down just in the nick of time before she could notice. Pulling me along playfully she shows me all the departments, from clothes to toys to restaurants the whole lot. The most best bit about it was I got to spend time with her. A smile crept onto my face.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Crystal asks, she snapped me out of cloud 9
"Oh nothing..." I answer. She gives me a 'are you sure look' and I give her a little nod back. She shrugs it off, she then checks the time on her phone.
"We better get going now, Stacey and Jade will be waiting" she says
I nod and we start walking off.
Once we reach McDonalds, my eyes instantly catch Jade and Stacey. I wave to get their attention, then start walking towards them. After we all ordered we made a plan. A plan on where we were going to go and what to do and when the boys get here. After making the plans the girly things just rolled in casually. You know make up tutorials our favourite youtuber mine is Zoella and Crystal's is thatcherjoe (true fact: they are siblings)
And then the topic came up, the one about WHO LIKES WHO. Jade likes Josh and Stacey likes Tyler. It was Crystals turn to answer.
She answered simply "I like this girl" and surprised she continues "oh yeah, Laura are you okay with me being Lesbian or homophobic as some people call it?"
And I said "yes" very hesitant but she didn't care. Me neither because my stomach was doing triple 360 flipping back flips. She was into girls ie it could be me, then a slight frown turned my smile upside down. She just said a girl, no specifications, no hints, nothing.

Author note
Thanks for showing your love
Sharing this story is just good enough for me.
From now on I will be doing shorter chapters, then I will be able to upload a lot more.
Thanks and good bye peace >:)

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