34 - The Sinking Ferry

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After the events of Halloween, there was a surprisingly new courage souring in my veins. Maybe that came from a boy that loved me, or the realisation that I wasn't about to let everything we had built slide from my fingertips without a fight. Peter Parker wanted me far away from his hero life, knowing people you loved sometimes got caught in the crossfire. But he had forgotten I was maybe the most stubborn girl in New York. Which meant, I wasn't letting go just yet.

Midtown High had been filled with Spider-Man mania ever since Washington, D.C, every student a little too hyped up about the save by our very homegrown superhero. Along with a Spider-Man fan club, younger students were selling baked Spider-Man cupcakes for the school's mascots who needed new outfits. With the school's new spirit, it was impossible to avoid anything do to with Peter Parker, even when he was staying clear of me.

"Let me get this straight," Gwen Stacy questioned as we made our way towards the cafeteria a few days after Halloween and the night New Goblin had made his very first appearance in the city. "You were literally hanging from Brooklyn Bridge in Betty Brant's car and Spider-Man saved you? Woah, he must have a thing for girls named Florence. That's what, how many times now?"

My forehead creased with confusion, "He saved your life in Washington, D.C. Not mine, remember?"

She didn't think that was a notable thing though and went on, ignoring my pervious comment. "There was that time we fake robbed the jewellery store and he saved us--"

Mary Jane cringed with the horrible memory. "Worst mistake ever."

"Total understatement," Gwen agreed wholeheartedly. "Now, the Brooklyn Bridge thing. How many times is he gonna' swoop in and save our pretty damsel? Maybe he's actually stalking you, Florence. He's always around when you're in trouble, which is quite a lot, if we're being honest. Isn't that a little bit weird?"

We dumped our food trays on an empty table, my meatloaf slipping from the plate just a little bit. I shrugged off my backpack and gave my overly talkative friends a little look, knowing they were treading too closely to the truth today. "Come on, that sounds crazy. Why would a hero, that has plenty of other things to do, pick me out in the crowd? He's saved the city loads of times. Green Goblin last year and now, this guy with wings. He's saving heaps of people, even when it's not on national television. It's just not me."

Mary Jane nodded kindly, reaching for her own crafted Spider-Man cupcake which she had paid at least three dollars for, apparently that's how she was showing her appreciation for our local hero. "He stopped a bus a few weeks back with his bare hands and you weren't there."


Gwen shook her head. "Nah, he's been around you too many times for it to be a coincidence. This sounds really crazy, but what if he knows you? That would make more sense, right? Maybe that's why he keeps on saving your behind? Because you're like, the girl he serves coffee to or that cute baker from Corona Bakery, he's always trying to flirt with you. Maybe he's really the Spider-Man."

Lately, my friends were growing suspicious and suddenly, they weren't nearly as oblivious as before. Slowly and silently, their minds were ticking away and undoubtedly, maybe threading a web that would soon lead them to one boy we all called a friend. Before I could even laugh off Gwen's silly idea, Mary Jane was doing it for me. "That does sound crazy, Gwen!"

"When Spider-Man turns out to be that cute baker, you owe me twenty bucks, Red." Gwen remarked before taking a bite of her apple and sharing her mischief smile.

Offering a weak laugh towards my friends, hoping these conversations about trying to figure out who really hid behind that mask would end sooner rather than later, my head suddenly exploded with a new snippet of a vision. Naturally, a few things occurred again; the green hand, the girls falling and the sinking ferry. But this time around, more details about the ferry sprung to light in my mind. My vision showed a very familiar harbour and a ferry making its journey to Staten Island.

When my eyes finally snatched open, my friends were loudly chatting away about some Spanish quiz and hadn't noticed my little trip into my mind. Quickly, I pushing back my chair and mumbling something about feeling ill and abandoned them without another thought. I heard Mary Jane's sweet voice calling out behind me but my legs didn't stop moving until I was outside the school's main gate and doing something I had never done before; skipping class.


The daylight was watery on my shoulders as I weaved my way through the flocking group of tourists that were all excited about seeing the staple of freedom. A few children were wearing green foamed crowns and shouting in glee about Lady Liberty. I found a seat up the back of the boat, sinking into a hard chair and checking my phone for the time. It was a little before eleven o'clock and my heart was hammering against my ribs. The thrill about skipping school and actually piecing together a vision ignited excitement in my bones. I wasn't exactly sure where this lead about a possible event would take me but it was something nobody else but myself could follow.

I could already hear Peter Parker's voice in my head now, worried that I was taking an unnecessary risk to figure out the visions that danced in my mind. He was very good at worrying about myself but never gave a second thought about jumping into danger himself. He was so used to being the hero and taking risks without question to protect others. Why couldn't I today? Where was the line of being a hero drawn? What if this vision actually took me somewhere that could help others? Wasn't that my burden to bare?

"Excuse me, miss." an elderly man muttered beside me, shaking away my thoughts. I was heaving my bag into my lap to let him move pass me easier when my eyes glided towards the ferry window.

A gulp of salvia formed in my throat, noticing something all too familiar. A tiny robotic flying spider hovered outside the window. My eyes snapped wide open with seeing Spider-Man crouching away from the window and ducking out of sight. Hastily, I was heading towards the first balcony, the wind ripping at my hair. Nobody stood near the railing, the gushing sea below me. In a blink, a thud echoed behind me as somebody hit the deck. Spider-Man stood up from his landing with grace. "Flo, what, uh, what are you doing here? Did you follow me?"

"Follow you? No," I started, a little confused. "A vision led me here. Why? What's going on? Why are you even here? Wait, shouldn't you be at school? You're already in so much trouble for ditching the team in Washington, D.C."

He cocked his head, "Finding this winged bad guy trumps some silly Spanish quiz. There's supposed to be a deal going down at eleven on this very ferry. You really shouldn't be here..." Suddenly, he paused like somebody was talking in his ear. "Karen, what? Tony's calling?"

"Karen, who's that?"

Peter swung back to face me, "She's, uh, my suit. Well, she's more like my user interface. But I called her Karen, long story but yeah, you gotta' get back inside and stay outta' trouble." His hand was circling around my wrist, almost dragging me back towards the doorway which led inside where it was warm and apparently safer. "There's a man inside, okay? He's like middle aged looking with a cap on. Not overly tall, you'll spot him. He's involved somehow, keep an eye on him."

I numbly nodded. "Um, okay? But what about my vision? This means something. What if this all leads us to Vulture? Or, what if this is a trap? God, this was so stupid. I shouldn't have skipped school." Unfortunately, with the appearance of Spider-Man, I realised I had indeed maybe gotten in too deep with danger without noticing it. Again.

"Flo, I gotta' go." His hands fanned my shoulders. "Watch that man and stay here."

Watching him swing away was all too familiar and it left my mind in shambles. Blowing out a long sigh, I found my way back inside, cursing my stupid visions and ideas to try and help. My eyes scanned the open area, trying to pinpoint the man Peter had been talking about but he was weirdly gone. Nerves sparked in my stomach but before I could even find my seat and pretend nothing unusual was going on, there was a thunderous sound echoing from down below. The flooring under my feet rumbled oddly. A few tourists were glancing towards the windows, questioning the events about to occur. That's when purple light exploded up from the decks below, cutting straight through the flooring and leaving the ship vibrating dangerously. My body was thrown into the metal pole beside me and sadly, I knew we had yet again, found ourselves in a whole new world of trouble. Naturally.

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