18 - Summer Days

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The months had blurred by, my life becoming somewhat clearer. My days were filled with long afternoons spent in old dusted libraries and giggling wildly as Peter Parker joked in my ear as we stood in another museum, watching tourists and sharing packets of candy. The pressure of school didn't touch my mind and the visions screamed loudly still, but with the freedom summer break brought, it eased my troubles and weirdly, the weight of my world didn't touch my shoulders. 

"Sweetie, Gwen will be here any minute. Are you all packed?" My mother stood in the kitchen, her hair long and styled in curls. She looked younger and I couldn't help but admit this summer had changed all of us. My parents had eased back with the hours at the labs, spending more time with me and with each other. Last year, I honestly feared my family was broken and that we couldn't be fixed, but somehow, we were doing alright. 

Dropping my toast to my plate, my eyes glanced up from the article I had been rereading in the newspaper. The newspaper was old, but while helping clean out my father's study yesterday afternoon, I had found the outdated paper shoved under some boxes. I had nearly thrown it away, not thinking much of it when one simple sentence caught my eye. What is it, to be a hero? 

The article was written by Karen Page, a well-known journalist these days. Although her article was old, it touched my heart and made me question so many things in my life. A hero is not a god or an idea. A hero lives here on the street, among us, with us. Always here but rarely recognised. Look in the mirror and see yourself for what you truly are. You're a New Yorker. You're a hero.

"I'm all packed mum, no need to worry." I noted quickly but my mind was elsewhere. For so long I had been plagued with powers I did not want and I had fallen into a darkness where everything felt too hard. But with darkness, came the light. With the months passing, that doubt shifted slightly and I realised that with or without powers, good or bad, maybe Peter Parker wasn't the only hero in my life. "Um, mum, I've been thinking about your idea about my visions. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if--"

The doorbell sounded, echoing through the house. My sentence dropped off, my mother's kind eyes watching me for a moment longer. She never had to say the words out loud but she was sorry my life had been interrupted with things I could not control. "We can talk about that when you get back home from the Hamptons." she said and smiled sweetly, wiping her hands down her apron and moving towards me. She was baking apple pie and I couldn't help but smile brightly with the simple idea. It was something she used to do before Colton died, and finally after two years she was baking again. 

I nodded my head, giving her my answer while scurrying off my chair and rushing to kiss her goodbye. Grabbing my bags from the hallway, I popped into the study and said my goodbyes to my father before meeting Gwen Stacy at my front door, her face covered by huge sunglasses. "Ready for some fun in the sun?" she greeted me with a huge grin.

We bounced down my porch steps, giggling shamelessly. In the Stacys' minivan waited Gwen's parents, Helen and George. In the backseats sat Flash, Harry and Peter, all waiting excitedly for us to pile in our luggage and hit the road for our trip to the Hamptons. When I slipped into the seat next to Peter, he was smiling kindly and my stomached flipped. "Where is Mary Jane?" I frowned, snapping in my seatbelt. 

Gwen gave me a sad smile over her shoulder, "She had musical rehearsals all break long. Apparently, Liz Allan wants nothing but perfection. Maybe next year." It felt strange that our bubbly redhead was not joining in for our getaway before school started back next week. 

After I thanked Gwen's parents yet again for letting us crash their weekend, the car roared to life and we were speeding down the freeway, the promise of sun, salt and freedom racing towards us at the Stacy beach house. 

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