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We all have that song that soothes us
When we are sad or mad or upset, we sing it or think of the song or listen to it.
Some people have their own Melody.

Two weeks had gone by and (y/n) was still in the healing pod. They had all gotten back into the swing of things, Farushu had a change of heart and helped the Paladins get the people to their planet of origin as refugees.While they could form Voltron now, Hunk was still a bit lost. He and Pidge set up cameras so that Hunk could do other things while keeping an eye on the pod. He had a device that played the video in his wrist and he always would check it, he even spoke to it as if she were there.
So much damage had been caused to her body and brain that it was still in repair. Allura said that making the pod work faster would be unsafe so he sat there in his bed and watched as she breathed so shallow lightly.

It happened as Hunk was with Pidge adjusting the castle shields.
His wrist beeped at him, as to signal that she was waking.
Quickly he ran to the pods but she was already out, she oddly enough was standing. Her eyes glossed over I sure of her surroundings.
Everyone ran in right behind Hunk but stayed back as to not interfere. He slowly made his way to her, speaking softly " hey, you're's me Hunk..." she looked at him shaken. He walked closer and she stepped back, in fear of him. "(Y/n)....?"
"Who?" She asked "where am I, what's going on.... am I dead, who am I. I don't understand.... I.. don't... under". Tears began to  well up in her eyes, and Hunks too.
Allura stepped up and continued to try to make her talk. "Do you remember anything, anything at all?"
(Y/n) stood looking at herself,her hands and legs, arms, hair. "I don't know.... I don't know. I don't... know..... I..... don't....know"
She slowly began to collapse, Hunk caught her and held her, he began to crying
"She doesn't remember.... I don't get it?"
He cradled her holding her in his lap, wiping the hair from her face.
Coran stepped forward, " we can't put her back into the cryopod, for now she just needs rest, lets take her to a room"
Hunk got up still holding her, staring, ignoring everyone else and carried her back to his own room.
He laid there next to her for what seemed like hours, he needed to be occupied so he left the room and headed to make dinner.

Lance and Pidge decided to play a game together
They sat down with a bunch of snacks and were ready to binge
When Lance heard a tune, but it wasn't coming from a particular area, more as in the air, it seemed to surround them.they both decided to try and find its impossible source. It was the weirdest game of hot and cold, and only he could hear it so Pidge was very lost. They made their way to the Kitchen were it seemed to be stronger, like it was trying to be heard.
They walked in to find Hunk, and Coran preparing dinner.
"Hunk, Coran, can you hear it?" Lance asked
Seeing the confusion on their face, he took that as a no and Pidge explained
"Lance says he hears a song, or tune, it's just a random one, it repeat-,"
"SHHH" Lance said abruptly
They all grew quiet and let Lance listen to the song
He began to sing the repeating song
"Like night and light like the darkest day
I'm here to stay with you
The sun and moon come together
They create a tune
One of blissful twilight
Here them sing
'I love you'"
Hunks face grew stone cold
"My grandmother sang that song all the time"
"Then why can only Lance hear it shouldn't it be hunk??
You know it's bad when Pidge is confused,
Coran answered to question
"She remembering, processing all that happened, the song is to calm herself, I don't know why is its reaching Lance but I think she is calling for help, Lance is the only one she remembers"
"It's getting louder, like she's closer,"
Just as Lance spoke (y/n) walked through the door
She seemed lost, but not distant
Here words were a bit croaky but she spoke non the less
"I had my own song I think, I don't remember it, "
Lance walked over and pulled her to a chair
Hunk did nothing but stare
Eyes full of both hope and fear
She looked up and saw him, it took a minute but soon a smile came across her face.
She weakly got out of her chair and made her way over to him
"I remember you somewhat, I'm sorry I can't remember it all, I um-"
He  silenced her with a hug
His arms held her so tightly, he never wanted to let go.
He began to chuckle a little
"You never have to say sorry"
The others decided to leave to give them alone time.
After a few minutes she looked up at him
"My brain has been trying to remember something in particular, I wonder if you can help we recall it"
He looked confused but he nodded and waited for her to speak, but instead she motioned for him to lower himself
She brought his face in to her hands and their lips met.
It felt like a burst of adrenaline, something so longed for. The conclusion of their burning flame.
They were once again together, and they would never let the other one go.


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