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" Okay team, we are getting a bit unstable again, we need to connect our minds, no secrets"
They sat in the room, ready to mentally form Voltron, yet something was off
Hunks mind wasn't focused
It been month why now is this becoming a problem, it like his mind is prying and prying
, yellow is no help to this, she keeps prying, trying to get Hunk to remember, but remember what?
"Hunk" Shiro interrupted "what's wrong buddy, you're the only one not focused"
"I'm sure it's nothing, let's try again" Hunk replied
Again and again ,every time they failed,

Hunk left the third try causing distress
Among the team,
Speaking up was Allura
"Everyone lounge now"

The room was quiet waiting for someone to say something
"Something's wrong with Hunk, "
Keith announced
" Well no shit Sherlock" mocked Pidge
The room fueled with discomfort
This is when Allura, stood and asked
"Does anyone know why, He's a happy guy, but we can't form Voltron like this
It's not strong enough "
The room still remained silent
"It must be that time of year again, This will pass, it always does" said Lance in a unsure voice
The curious looks lead Lance to explain
"So Hunk was only 15 when he joined the garrison, he joined because his grandmother died and he couldn't be alone" a pause was taken as Lance leaned forward and placed his elbows to his knees
"Or so he says, but, there is more than he knows"
Lance now stands to face the crowd of people
" Hunk around this time of year starts to remember things, and after the month is gone, he forgets them, "
" what does he remember?" Pidge said intrigued
" After 4 years, I still have no fuckinf clue, but maybe you can help me" Lance was serious in his words, this made everyone slightly uncomfortable and yet they let him proceed
"It starts with sleep talking, he talks about a Girl, no name, he just repeats the same phrase over and over again
With a deep voice mimicking Hunks he said "please no don't take her"
After that he gets no sleep,

"And Hunk has no memory?" Said Shiro
"Not in the beginning at least " Lance continued
"But here's where it gets weird "
"Hunk sometimes starts to draw this girl over and over again, she starts off with not much of a face, but then mid month, it progresses into a detailed image, "
Lance pulled a picture out of his pocket, it was old and wrinkled but detailed and colorful
"Its like he has a thought and can't hold on to it"
"Did he get checked out ?" Said Pidge
"No, cause after a certain date, it's like he resets, and he forgets everything"
Lance sighed
"So any opinions?"
Silence fills the room once again,
"Allura,-" started pidge " can you program the pods ?"
"Well yes, they are workable, why?"
She replied
Pidge jumps up out of her seat, and walks out the door
Allura follows after her, catching on to her idea
"Lance, go get Hunk bring him to the pods"
Shiro commanded
"I'll come with you, said Keith "
Shiro nodded as the boys left to find Hunk
Then he left for the pods himself

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