Chapter 4: Don't Be Late!

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Ernie shook his head,"I'll tell you Cindy, if I had the choice to decide which group of robbers I wanted, I'd chose Jenny and Mary. They were much more nicer than the other ones."

Mollie and I caught each others stares and smirked, "Well that's shocking to hear." She said.

I nodded,"Guess our friends weren't too nice with the hostages." I whispered in her ear.

She nodded back at me and turned towards the television.

"The leader, I think his name was Shawn, was very snappy. Too demanding if you ask me. I'm just glad no one was killed." He smiled and grabbed Cindy by the shoulders.

"Ya know, you should smile more often. Makes your face less....sad like." He went to touch her face but she stepped away from him and brushed herself off.

"Well you've heard it from Forks News Folks. Looks like we have a couple of bank robbers on the loose. Stay tuned for today's weather." She ended the report with a brief smile.

I turned towards Mollie and smirked.

"I think this calls for a celebration."

"Your such a fat ass Cornella!" She whined.

I huffed,"But I'm still hungry Mollie! Feed the hunger!" I grunted and patted my stomach.

"It's like a endless pit with you." She grumbled and smacked another twenty onto the counter.


After three more burgers, two plates of french fries, and five vinalla smoothies my stomach was feeling satisfied.

Not full, but satisfied!

Mollie had watched me eat the whole time while she just complianed about having to rob four banks a day because I eat so much.

"Gheey Mulliah?" I attempted to say 'Hey Mollie', but the last handful of fries decided other wise.

"I don't like you very much right now so don't talk to me." She pouted as she looked at the bill.

I swallowed the greasy food in my mouth and looked at her,"Awe, I'm sorry! I promise I'll pay you back!" I attempted to hug her again as she pushed me back into my chair.

"Mhmmm. That's what you said last time!"

"I did pay you back..."

"Monopoly money doesn't work Cory." She rolled her eyes and laughed a little.

I scoffed,"Yes it does! The guy from the corner store takes it!"

She giggled,"Thats cuz' he's in love with you."

I blushed and hid it behind my hair.

While I was trying to fix my face, the door to the diner dinged and then opened. Inside stepped a guy with blonde short hair and a chesiled face. He was appearently going for a laid back look with his cream colored baggy shorts and his white short sleeved shirt.

He was really pretty looking I guess...

While I was staring at him his warm blue eyes met mine and that's when everything seemed to slow down. I couldn't help but tear my eyes away from him when he sent me a breath taking smile.

I felt my heart beat increase as he made his way to the seat next to mine and sat down. He looked at me and smiled again.


But I couldn't reply at all. I felt sick. Really, really sick.

Why did I feel this way all of a sudden? Why was I so shy?

I shakily placed some hair behind my ears and tried to reply, but I couldn't.

His eyebrows laced together in confusion,"Are you okay?"

I forced my head to nod a little before turning away from him and giving my attention back to Mollie.

Who, at this moment was smirking at me.

"I'll be right back. I'll be in the bathroom if you need anything."

I seethed her,"I need a lot of things lady! So why don't you stay here and help me with them." I tugged at her arm and attempted to pull her closer to me.

She shook her head,"I'm sure that young man over there can help you if need be. I'll just be in the bathroom for two minutes Cornella! You'll live." She said as she walked away and out the door of the diner.

I blinked a few times before remembering that the bathroom was no where near there.

"I hate you Mollie. I really do." I mumbled to myself.

I turned back around slowly hoping that he may have left by now.

He smirked,"It's okay to be nervous. After all this is our first date." He paused and leaned into me.

He reached out his hand and grasped the side of my face,"I just want to get to know you better beautiful."

My face grew red from anger and embarrassment. I shoved his hand away from me and got up to leave.

"Your pick up lines are even worse then your clothes." He chuckled.

"Well then I must look pretty good for you to notice that." He smiled at me and followed me as I walked out of the resturaunt.

I stopped and turned around annoyed,"Why are you following me? Can't you go bother someone else?"

"But your very fun to follow around. I don't think anyone could compare to you." His face was completely serious for a moment until he bursted out laughing.

I stompped away to my motorcycle and hopped on it.

"Woah," He whistled.

"That's yours?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well as you see, I'm on it, so what do you think smartie?" I put the key in and was about to drive away when he asked me something.

"Well I think you go on a date with me."

I turned to see him smiling still with his hands in his pockets.


"Great. Meet me at Dixie's House around ten. See you there." He waved at me and walked off.

"I never agreed to going anywhere with you!" I yelled at him, but he ignored me.

He turned around and winked,"And don't be late."

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